opts_tooltip {ggiraph}R Documentation

Tooltip settings


Settings to be used with girafe() for tooltip customisation.


  css = NULL,
  offx = 10,
  offy = 0,
  use_cursor_pos = TRUE,
  opacity = 0.9,
  use_fill = FALSE,
  use_stroke = FALSE,
  delay_mouseover = 200,
  delay_mouseout = 500,
  placement = c("auto", "doc", "container"),
  zindex = 999



extra css (added to position: absolute;pointer-events: none;) used to customize tooltip area.

offx, offy

tooltip x and y offset


should the cursor position be used to position tooltip (in addition to offx and offy). Setting to TRUE will have no effect in the RStudio browser windows.


tooltip background opacity

use_fill, use_stroke

logical, use fill and stroke properties to color tooltip.


The duration in milliseconds of the transition associated with tooltip display.


The duration in milliseconds of the transition associated with tooltip end of display.


Defines the container used for the tooltip element. It can be one of "auto" (default), "doc" or "container".

  • doc: the host document's body is used as tooltip container. The tooltip may cover areas outside of the svg graphic.

  • container: the svg container is used as tooltip container. In this case the tooltip content may wrap to fit inside the svg bounds. It will also inherit the CSS styles and transforms applied to the parent containers (like scaling in a slide presentation).

  • auto: This is the default, ggiraph choses the best option according to use cases. Usually it redirects to "doc", however in a xaringan context, it redirects to "container".


tooltip css z-index, default to 999.

See Also

Other girafe animation options: girafe_defaults(), girafe_options(), init_girafe_defaults(), opts_hover(), opts_selection(), opts_sizing(), opts_toolbar(), opts_zoom(), set_girafe_defaults()



dataset <- mtcars
dataset$carname = row.names(mtcars)

gg <- ggplot(
  data = dataset,
  mapping = aes(x = wt, y = qsec, color = disp,
                tooltip = carname, data_id = carname) ) +
  geom_point_interactive() + theme_minimal()

x <- girafe(ggobj = gg)
x <- girafe_options(x,
  opts_tooltip(opacity = .7,
    offx = 20, offy = -10,
    use_fill = TRUE, use_stroke = TRUE,
    delay_mouseout = 1000) )
if( interactive() ) print(x)

[Package ggiraph version 0.8.10 Index]