accidentsData |
Car accident data |
BirthDeath |
Number of births and death in Greece |
BirthDeath2000 |
Birth and Deaths before and after 2000 |
births |
Births in Greece, 1976-1989 |
DieselbioRon95 |
Bio diesel and RON 95 consumption |
FuelConsumption |
FuelConsumption |
ggaov |
Anova F test plot |
ggchisqtest |
Plot for Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data |
ggcortest |
Plot test for association between paired samples |
ggproptest |
Plot test of Equal or Given Proportions |
ggttest |
Student's t-test plot |
ggvartest |
F test plot |
LaptopRates |
LaptopRates |
LivLab |
LivLab |
MilkConsumption |
Milk consumption |
m_anova |
m_anova |
profits_df |
Profits |
questionnaire |
Questionnaire Answers |
randexperiment |
Random experiment results |
Salary_Gender |
Female and male salaries |