Visualise the Results of Inferential Statistics using 'ggplot2'

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Documentation for package ‘gginference’ version 0.1.3

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accidentsData Car accident data
BirthDeath Number of births and death in Greece
BirthDeath2000 Birth and Deaths before and after 2000
births Births in Greece, 1976-1989
DieselbioRon95 Bio diesel and RON 95 consumption
FuelConsumption FuelConsumption
ggaov Anova F test plot
ggchisqtest Plot for Pearson's Chi-squared Test for Count Data
ggcortest Plot test for association between paired samples
ggproptest Plot test of Equal or Given Proportions
ggttest Student's t-test plot
ggvartest F test plot
LaptopRates LaptopRates
LivLab LivLab
MilkConsumption Milk consumption
m_anova m_anova
profits_df Profits
questionnaire Questionnaire Answers
randexperiment Random experiment results
Salary_Gender Female and male salaries