load_source_sans_3 {gghdx}R Documentation

Load and use Source Sans 3


Simple wrapper for sysfonts::font_add_google() and showtext::showtext_auto() to load the Source Sans 3 font and specify all plots to automatically use showtext. Use to load the default font family for geom_text_hdx() and geom_label_hdx().


load_source_sans_3(family = NULL, regular = NULL)



Character string for the Source Sans 3 family. If NULL, defaults to "Source Sans 3", the standard family name. See "Details" in the sysfonts::font_add() documentation for further explanation. Used only when no internet connection is available to directly load from Google.


Path to the font file for the regular font face. If NULL, defaults to "SourceSans3-Regular.ttf", the standard file name downloaded from Source Sans 3. Used only when no internet connection is available to directly load from Google.


By default, the font is loaded from Google using sysfonts::font_add_google(). If an internet connection is unavailable, then attempts to use a locally installed version of the font using sysfonts::font_add(family, regular). If you have the font installed but still receive an error from this function, check the family and regular arguments match your installed font.


Nothing, run for side effect of loading the font and activating showtext.

See Also

gghdx() for automatically running load_source_sans_3(), along with other styling.


p <- ggplot(
  data = mtcars,
  mapping = aes(
    x = mpg,
    y = mpg,
    label = rownames(mtcars)

# font not loaded so error will be generated
try(p + geom_label_hdx())


p + geom_label_hdx()

[Package gghdx version 0.1.3 Index]