gggibbous {gggibbous}R Documentation

gggibbous: Moon charts, a pie chart alternative for two groups


Moon charts are like pie charts except that the proportions are shown as crescent or gibbous portions of a circle, like the lit and unlit portions of the moon. As such, they work best with only one or two groups. gggibbous extends ggplot2 to allow for plotting multiple moon charts in a single panel and does not require a square coordinate system.


The workhorse function is geom_moon, which adds a moon chart layer to a ggplot2 plot. The draw_key_moon, draw_key_moon_left, and draw_key_full_moon functions provides legend key glyphs for plots that use geom_moon. There are also functions for the raw grid grobs: grid.moon and moonGrob.

For more information, see the gggibbous vignette.

[Package gggibbous version 0.1.1 Index]