Formula Interface to the Grammar of Graphics

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Documentation for package ‘ggformula’ version 0.12.0

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-- D --

discrete_breaks Discrete Breaks

-- G --

GeomLm ggproto classes for ggplot2
geom_ash Average Shifted Histograms
geom_lm Linear Model Displays
geom_spline Geoms and stats for spline smoothing
get_variable_labels Set and extract labels from a labeled object
gf_abline Reference lines - horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
gf_area Formula interface to geom_area()
gf_ash Average Shifted Histograms
gf_bar Formula interface to geom_bar()
gf_barh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_bin2d Formula interface to geom_bin2d()
gf_blank Formula interface to geom_blank()
gf_boxplot Formula interface to geom_boxplot()
gf_boxploth Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_coefline Reference lines - horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
gf_col Formula interface to geom_col()
gf_colh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_contour Formula interface to geom_contour() and geom_contour_filled()
gf_contour_filled Formula interface to geom_contour() and geom_contour_filled()
gf_count Formula interface to geom_count()
gf_counts Formula interface to geom_bar()
gf_countsh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_crossbar Formula interface to geom_crossbar()
gf_crossbarh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_curve Formula interface to geom_curve()
gf_dens Formula interface to stat_density()
gf_dens2 Formula interface to stat_density()
gf_density Formula interface to stat_density()
gf_density2d Formula interface to geom_density_2d() and geom_density_2d_filled()
gf_density2d_filled Formula interface to geom_density_2d() and geom_density_2d_filled()
gf_density_2d Formula interface to geom_density_2d() and geom_density_2d_filled()
gf_density_2d_filled Formula interface to geom_density_2d() and geom_density_2d_filled()
gf_density_ridgeline_gradient Formula interface to ggridges plots
gf_density_ridges Formula interface to ggridges plots
gf_density_ridges2 Formula interface to ggridges plots
gf_density_ridges_gradient Formula interface to ggridges plots
gf_dhistogram Formula interface to geom_histogram()
gf_dhistogramh Formula interface to geom_histogram()
gf_dist Plot distributions
gf_dotplot Formula interface to geom_dotplot()
gf_ecdf Formula interace to empirical cumulative distribution
gf_ellipse Formula interface to stat_ellipse()
gf_empty Create an "empty" plot
gf_errorbar Formula interface to geom_errorbar()
gf_errorbarh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_facet_grid Add facets to a plot
gf_facet_wrap Add facets to a plot
gf_fitdistr Plot density function based on fit to data
gf_frame Formula interface to geom_blank()
gf_freqpoly Formula interface to geom_freqpoly()
gf_fun Layers displaying graphs of functions
gf_fun2d Plot functions of two variables
gf_function Layers displaying graphs of functions
gf_function2d Plot functions of two variables
gf_function_2d Plot functions of two variables
gf_function_contour Plot functions of two variables
gf_function_tile Plot functions of two variables
gf_fun_2d Plot functions of two variables
gf_fun_contour Plot functions of two variables
gf_fun_tile Plot functions of two variables
gf_hex Formula interface to geom_hex()
gf_histogram Formula interface to geom_histogram()
gf_hline Reference lines - horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
gf_jitter Formula interface to geom_jitter()
gf_label Formula interface to geom_text() and geom_label()
gf_labs Non-layer functions for gf plots
gf_lims Non-layer functions for gf plots
gf_line Formula interface to geom_line() and geom_path()
gf_linerange Formula interface to geom_linerange() and geom_pointrange()
gf_linerangeh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_lm Formula interface to geom_smooth()
gf_path Formula interface to geom_line() and geom_path()
gf_percents Formula interface to geom_bar()
gf_percentsh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_plot Formula interface to ggplot()
gf_point Formula interface to geom_point()
gf_pointrange Formula interface to geom_linerange() and geom_pointrange()
gf_pointrangeh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_polygon Formula interface to geom_polygon()
gf_props Formula interface to geom_bar()
gf_propsh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_qq Formula interface to geom_qq()
gf_qqline Formula interface to geom_qq()
gf_qqstep Formula interface to geom_qq()
gf_quantile Formula interface to geom_quantile()
gf_raster Formula interface to geom_raster()
gf_rect Formula interface to geom_rect()
gf_refine Non-layer functions for gf plots
gf_relabel Modify plot labeling
gf_ribbon Formula interface to geom_ribbon()
gf_ridgeline Formula interface to ggridges plots
gf_rug Formula interface to geom_rug()
gf_rugx Formula interface to geom_rug()
gf_rugy Formula interface to geom_rug()
gf_segment Formula interface to geom_segment()
gf_sf Mapping with shape files
gf_sina Formula interface to geom_sina()
gf_smooth Formula interface to geom_smooth()
gf_spline Formula interface to geom_spline()
gf_spoke Formula interface to geom_spoke()
gf_step Formula interface to geom_step()
gf_summary Formula interface to geom_linerange() and geom_pointrange()
gf_text Formula interface to geom_text() and geom_label()
gf_theme Themes for ggformula
gf_tile Formula interface to geom_tile()
gf_violin Formula interface to geom_violin()
gf_violinh Deprecated horizontal plotting functions
gf_vline Reference lines - horizontal, vertical, and diagonal.
ggstance Deprecated horizontal plotting functions

-- L --

layer_factory Create a ggformula layer function

-- M --

MIpop Population of Michigan counties

-- P --

percs_by_group Compute groupwise proportions and percents
print.gf_ggplot Modify plot labeling
props_by_group Compute groupwise proportions and percents

-- S --

StatAsh ggproto classes for ggplot2
StatFitdistr ggproto classes for ggplot2
StatLm ggproto classes for ggplot2
StatQqline ggproto classes for ggplot2
StatSpline ggproto classes for ggplot2
stat_ash Average Shifted Histograms
stat_fitdistr A stat for fitting distributions
stat_lm Linear Model Displays
stat_qqline A Stat for Adding Reference Lines to QQ-Plots
stat_spline Geoms and stats for spline smoothing