ggmca_with_base_ref {ggfacto}R Documentation

Plot Initial Dimensions (Active Variables) on a Multiple Correspondence Analyses


This function mostly have an educational value : it shows the initial dimensions of the Multiple Correspondence Analysis (active variables) in the space built by the analysis (principal axes). To see initial dimensions in their initial reference frame, use ggmca_initial_dims.


ggmca_with_base_ref(res.mca = res.mca, axes = c(1, 2), keep = NULL)



An object created with FactoMineR::MCA.


The axes to print, as a numeric vector of length 2.


A character vector of the name of active variables to keep.


A ggplot object to be printed in the 'RStudio' Plots pane. Possibility to add other gg objects with +. Sending the result through ggi will draw the interactive graph in the Viewer pane using ggiraph.


data(tea, package = "FactoMineR")
res.mca <- MCA2(tea, active_vars = 1:18)

# It is more readable to select just a few active variables
lv2_vars <- dplyr::select(tea[1:18], where(~ nlevels(.) == 2)) |> names()
ggmca_with_base_ref(res.mca, keep = lv2_vars)

lv3_vars <- dplyr::select(tea[1:18], where(~ nlevels(.) == 3)) |> names()
ggmca_with_base_ref(res.mca, keep = lv3_vars)

lv4_vars <- dplyr::select(tea[1:18], where(~ nlevels(.) == 4)) |> names()
ggmca_with_base_ref(res.mca, keep = lv4_vars)

lv6_vars <- dplyr::select(tea[1:18], where(~ nlevels(.) == 6)) |> names()
ggmca_with_base_ref(res.mca, keep = lv6_vars)

[Package ggfacto version 0.3.0 Index]