Visualization Tools for Genealogical Data

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Documentation for package ‘ggenealogy’ version 1.0.3

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buildAncDesCoordDF Returns the coordinate positions of all ancestors and descendants of a variety.
buildAncDesTotalDF Returns data frame with plot coordinates of all ancestors and descendants of a variety.
buildAncList Returns the ancestors of a particular variety (if they exist).
buildDesList Returns the descendants of a particular variety (if they exist).
buildEdgeTotalDF Build the edges in the genealogy graph.
buildMinusPathDF Process the genealogy graph
buildPathDF Build data frame for path representation
buildPlotTotalDF Build all labels in the graph
buildSpreadTotalDF Build a data frame where the varieties are spread so they do not overlap
dfToIG Process the genealogy graph
getAncestors Returns a list of the ancestors of a particular variety (if they exist)
getBasicStatistics Determine basic statistics of the graph object
getBranchQual Descendant branch calculations for quantitative variable
getBranchQuant Descendant branch calculations for quantitative variable
getChild Returns the children of a particular variety (if they exist)
getDegree Determine the degree between two varieties
getDescendants Returns a list of the descendants of a particular variety (if they exist)
getEdges Returns edges (vertex names and edge weights) for the full genealogy
getNodes Returns the nodes for a full genealogy
getParent Returns the parents of a particular variety (if they exist)
getPath Determine the path between two varieties
getPathOnly Determine the path between two varieties
getVariable Determine the date of a variety
isChild Determine if a variety is a child of another
isParent Determine if a variety is a parent of another
nodeToDF Returns the data frame representation of all ancestors and descendants of a variety
plotAncDes Returns the image object to show the ancestors and descendants of a variety
plotDegMatrix Returns the image object to show the heat map of degrees between the inputted set of vertices
plotPath Construct the graphic object of the path
plotPathOnAll Plot a path between two vertices over the full genealogy
plotVariableMatrix Returns the image object to show the heat map of dates between the inputted set of vertices
sbGeneal Soybean data
statGeneal Academic statistics data