buildAncDesCoordDF |
Returns the coordinate positions of all ancestors and descendants of a variety. |
buildAncDesTotalDF |
Returns data frame with plot coordinates of all ancestors and descendants of a variety. |
buildAncList |
Returns the ancestors of a particular variety (if they exist). |
buildDesList |
Returns the descendants of a particular variety (if they exist). |
buildEdgeTotalDF |
Build the edges in the genealogy graph. |
buildMinusPathDF |
Process the genealogy graph |
buildPathDF |
Build data frame for path representation |
buildPlotTotalDF |
Build all labels in the graph |
buildSpreadTotalDF |
Build a data frame where the varieties are spread so they do not overlap |
dfToIG |
Process the genealogy graph |
getAncestors |
Returns a list of the ancestors of a particular variety (if they exist) |
getBasicStatistics |
Determine basic statistics of the graph object |
getBranchQual |
Descendant branch calculations for quantitative variable |
getBranchQuant |
Descendant branch calculations for quantitative variable |
getChild |
Returns the children of a particular variety (if they exist) |
getDegree |
Determine the degree between two varieties |
getDescendants |
Returns a list of the descendants of a particular variety (if they exist) |
getEdges |
Returns edges (vertex names and edge weights) for the full genealogy |
getNodes |
Returns the nodes for a full genealogy |
getParent |
Returns the parents of a particular variety (if they exist) |
getPath |
Determine the path between two varieties |
getPathOnly |
Determine the path between two varieties |
getVariable |
Determine the date of a variety |
isChild |
Determine if a variety is a child of another |
isParent |
Determine if a variety is a parent of another |
nodeToDF |
Returns the data frame representation of all ancestors and descendants of a variety |
plotAncDes |
Returns the image object to show the ancestors and descendants of a variety |
plotDegMatrix |
Returns the image object to show the heat map of degrees between the inputted set of vertices |
plotPath |
Construct the graphic object of the path |
plotPathOnAll |
Plot a path between two vertices over the full genealogy |
plotVariableMatrix |
Returns the image object to show the heat map of dates between the inputted set of vertices |
sbGeneal |
Soybean data |
statGeneal |
Academic statistics data |