format.ggeffects {ggeffects}R Documentation

Print and format ggeffects-objects


A generic print-method for ggeffects-objects.


## S3 method for class 'ggeffects'
  variable_labels = FALSE,
  value_labels = FALSE,
  group_name = FALSE,
  row_header_separator = ", ",
  digits = 2,
  collapse_ci = FALSE,
  collapse_tables = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'ggcomparisons'
format(x, collapse_ci = FALSE, collapse_p = FALSE, combine_levels = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ggeffects'
print(x, group_name = TRUE, digits = 2, verbose = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ggeffects'
print_md(x, group_name = TRUE, digits = 2, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ggeffects'
  group_name = TRUE,
  digits = 2,
  theme = NULL,
  engine = c("tt", "gt"),

## S3 method for class 'ggcomparisons'
print(x, collapse_tables = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'ggcomparisons'
  collapse_ci = FALSE,
  collapse_p = FALSE,
  theme = NULL,
  engine = c("tt", "gt"),

## S3 method for class 'ggcomparisons'
print_md(x, collapse_ci = FALSE, collapse_p = FALSE, theme = NULL, ...)



An object of class ggeffects, as returned by the functions from this package.


Logical, if TRUE variable labels are used as column headers. If FALSE, variable names are used.


Logical, if TRUE, value labels are used as values in the table output. If FALSE, the numeric values or factor levels are used.


Logical, if TRUE, the name of further focal terms are used in the sub-headings of the table. If FALSE, only the values of the focal terms are used.


Character, separator between the different subgroups in the table output.


Number of digits to print.


Logical, if TRUE, the columns with predicted values and confidence intervals are collapsed into one column, e.g. ⁠Predicted (95% CI)⁠.


Logical, if TRUE, all tables are combined into one. The tables are not split by further focal terms, but rather are added as columns. Only works when there is more than one focal term.


Number of rows to print per subgroup. If NULL, a default number of rows is printed, depending on the number of subgroups.


Further arguments passed down to format.ggeffects(), some of them are also passed down further to insight::format_table() or insight::format_value().


Logical, if TRUE, the columns with predicted values and p-values are collapsed into one column, where significant p-values are indicated as asterisks.


Logical, if TRUE, the levels of the first comparison of each focal term against the second are combined into one column. This is useful when comparing multiple focal terms, e.g. education = low-high and gender = male-female are combined into first = low-male and second = high-female.


Toggle messages.


The theme to apply to the table. One of "grid", "striped", "bootstrap", or "darklines".


The engine to use for printing. One of "tt" (default) or "gt". "tt" uses the tinytable package, "gt" uses the gt package.


format() return a formatted data frame, print() prints a formatted data frame printed to the console. print_html() returns a tinytable object by default (unless changed with engine = "gt"), which is printed as HTML, markdown or LaTeX table (depending on the context from which print_html() is called, see tinytable::tt() for details).

Global Options to Customize Tables when Printing

The verbose argument can be used to display or silence messages and warnings. Furthermore, options() can be used to set defaults for the print() and print_html() method. The following options are available, which can simply be run in the console:

Use ⁠options(<option_name> = NULL)⁠ to remove the option.


data(efc, package = "ggeffects")
fit <- lm(barthtot ~ c12hour + e42dep, data = efc)

# default print
predict_response(fit, "e42dep")

# surround CI values with parentheses
print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), ci_brackets = c("(", ")"))
# you can also use `options(ggeffects_ci_brackets = c("[", "]"))`
# to set this globally

# collapse CI columns into column with predicted values
print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), collapse_ci = TRUE)

# include value labels
print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), value_labels = TRUE)

# include variable labels in column headers
print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), variable_labels = TRUE)

# include value labels and variable labels
print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), variable_labels = TRUE, value_labels = TRUE)

m <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)

# default print with subgroups
predict_response(m, c("Petal.Length", "Species"))

# omit name of grouping variable in subgroup table headers
print(predict_response(m, c("Petal.Length", "Species")), group_name = FALSE)

# collapse tables into one
print(predict_response(m, c("Petal.Length", "Species")), collapse_tables = TRUE, n = 3)

# increase number of digits
print(predict_response(fit, "e42dep"), digits = 5)

[Package ggeffects version 1.7.0 Index]