Analyze and Create Elegant Directed Acyclic Graphs

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Documentation for package ‘ggdag’ version 0.2.12

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-- A --

activate_collider_paths Activate paths opened by stratifying on a collider
Adjust for variables Adjust for variables and activate any biasing paths that result
adjust_for Adjust for variables and activate any biasing paths that result
anti_join.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
arrange.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
arrange_.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects Convert a 'tidy_dagitty' object to data.frame
as.tbl.tidy_daggity Convert a 'tidy_dagitty' object to tbl
Assess d-separation between variables D-relationship between variables
Assess familial relationships between variables Familial relationships between variables
as_tbl_graph Convert DAGS to tidygraph
as_tbl_graph.dagitty Convert DAGS to tidygraph
as_tbl_graph.tidy_dagitty Convert DAGS to tidygraph
as_tibble.tidy_daggity Convert a 'tidy_dagitty' object to tbl
as_tidy_dagitty Convert objects into 'tidy_dagitty' objects
as_tidy_dagitty.dagitty Convert objects into 'tidy_dagitty' objects Convert objects into 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- B --

butterfly_bias Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias

-- C --

Canonicalize DAGs Canonicalize a DAG
Colliders Find colliders
collider_triangle Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
confounder_triangle Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
control_for Adjust for variables and activate any biasing paths that result
coordinates Manipulate DAG coordinates
coords2df Manipulate DAG coordinates
coords2list Manipulate DAG coordinates
Covariate Adjustment Sets Covariate Adjustment Sets

-- D --

dag Create a dagitty DAG
DAG Edges Directed DAG edges
DAG Labels DAG labels
dagify Create a dagitty DAG using R-like syntax
dag_adjustment_sets Covariate Adjustment Sets
dag_label DAG labels
dag_paths Find Open Paths Between Variables
distinct.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
dplyr Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- E --

Equivalent DAGs and Classes Generating Equivalent Models
Exogenous Variables Find Exogenous Variables
expand_plot Quickly scale the size of a ggplot

-- F --

filter.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
filter_.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
fortify Fortify a 'tidy_dagitty' object for 'ggplot2'
fortify.dagitty Fortify a 'tidy_dagitty' object for 'ggplot2'
fortify.tidy_dagitty Fortify a 'tidy_dagitty' object for 'ggplot2'
full_join.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- G --

geom_dag_collider_edges Edges for paths activated by stratification on colliders
geom_dag_edges Directed and bidirected DAG edges
geom_dag_edges_arc Directed DAG edges
geom_dag_edges_diagonal Directed DAG edges
geom_dag_edges_fan Directed DAG edges
geom_dag_edges_link Directed DAG edges
geom_dag_label Node text labels
geom_dag_label_repel Repulsive textual annotations
geom_dag_node DAG Nodes
geom_dag_point DAG Nodes
geom_dag_text Node text
geom_dag_text_repel Repulsive textual annotations
ggdag Quickly plot a DAG in ggplot2
ggdag_adjacent Familial relationships between variables
ggdag_adjust Adjust for variables and activate any biasing paths that result
ggdag_adjustment_set Covariate Adjustment Sets
ggdag_ancestors Familial relationships between variables
ggdag_butterfly_bias Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
ggdag_canonical Canonicalize a DAG
ggdag_children Familial relationships between variables
ggdag_classic Quickly plot a DAG in ggplot2
ggdag_collider Find colliders
ggdag_collider_triangle Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
ggdag_confounder_triangle Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
ggdag_dconnected D-relationship between variables
ggdag_descendants Familial relationships between variables
ggdag_drelationship D-relationship between variables
ggdag_dseparated D-relationship between variables
ggdag_equivalent_class Generating Equivalent Models
ggdag_equivalent_dags Generating Equivalent Models
ggdag_exogenous Find Exogenous Variables
ggdag_instrumental Find Instrumental Variables
ggdag_markov_blanket Familial relationships between variables
ggdag_mediation_triangle Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
ggdag_m_bias Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
ggdag_parents Familial relationships between variables
ggdag_paths Find Open Paths Between Variables
ggdag_paths_fan Find Open Paths Between Variables
ggdag_status Find variable status
ggplot.dagitty Create a new ggplot
ggplot.tidy_dagitty Create a new ggplot
ggrepel functions Repulsive textual annotations
group_by.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- H --

has_labels DAG labels

-- I --

inner_join.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
Instrumental Variables Find Instrumental Variables
is.tidy_dagitty Test for object class for tidy_dagitty
is_collider Detecting colliders in DAGs
is_confounder Assess if a variable confounds a relationship
is_downstream_collider Detecting colliders in DAGs

-- L --

label DAG labels
label<- DAG labels
label<-.dagitty DAG labels
label<-.tidy_dagitty DAG labels
left_join.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- M --

mediation_triangle Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias
mutate.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
mutate_.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
m_bias Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias

-- N --

Nodes DAG Nodes
node_adjacent Familial relationships between variables
node_ancestors Familial relationships between variables
node_canonical Canonicalize a DAG
node_children Familial relationships between variables
node_collider Find colliders
node_dconnected D-relationship between variables
node_descendants Familial relationships between variables
node_drelationship D-relationship between variables
node_dseparated D-relationship between variables
node_equivalent_class Generating Equivalent Models
node_equivalent_dags Generating Equivalent Models
node_exogenous Find Exogenous Variables
node_instrumental Find Instrumental Variables
node_markov_blanket Familial relationships between variables
node_parents Familial relationships between variables
node_status Find variable status

-- P --

Pathways Find Open Paths Between Variables
print.tidy_dagitty Print a 'tidy_dagitty'
pull_dag Pull components from DAG objects
pull_dag.dagitty Pull components from DAG objects
pull_dag.tidy_dagitty Pull components from DAG objects
pull_dag_data Pull components from DAG objects
pull_dag_data.dagitty Pull components from DAG objects
pull_dag_data.tidy_dagitty Pull components from DAG objects

-- Q --

Quick Plots for Common DAGs Quickly create a DAGs with common structures of bias

-- R --

remove_axes Quickly remove plot axes and grids
remove_grid Quickly remove plot axes and grids
right_join.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- S --

scale_adjusted Common scale adjustments for DAGs
scale_dag Common scale adjustments for DAGs
select.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
select_.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
semi_join.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
simulate_data Simulate Data from Structural Equation Model
slice.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
slice_.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
summarise.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
summarise_.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- T --

tbl_df.tidy_daggity Convert a 'tidy_dagitty' object to tbl_df
Test if Variable Is Collider Detecting colliders in DAGs
theme_dag Minimalist DAG themes
theme_dag_blank Minimalist DAG themes
theme_dag_gray Simple grey themes for DAGs
theme_dag_gray_grid Simple grey themes for DAGs
theme_dag_grey Simple grey themes for DAGs
theme_dag_grey_grid Simple grey themes for DAGs
theme_dag_grid Minimalist DAG themes
tidy_dagitty Tidy a 'dagitty' object
time_ordered_coords Create a time-ordered coordinate data frame
transmute.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects

-- U --

ungroup.tidy_dagitty Dplyr verb methods for 'tidy_dagitty' objects
update_dag Pull components from DAG objects
update_dag.tidy_dagitty Pull components from DAG objects
update_dag<- Pull components from DAG objects
update_dag<-.tidy_dagitty Pull components from DAG objects
update_dag_data<- Pull components from DAG objects
update_dag_data<-.tidy_dagitty Pull components from DAG objects

-- V --

Variable Status Find variable status