Create Images of Volumetric Brain Data in NIfTI Format Using 'ggplot2' Syntax

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Documentation for package ‘ggbrain’ version 0.8.1

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+.ggb addition operator for ggb object to support ggplot-like syntax
+.ggbrain_images addition operator for combining ggbrain_images objects
annotate_coordinates Adds the coordinate labels to each panel based on the location of the slice along the slicing axis (e.g., z = 15)
annotate_panel Adds custom annotations to a single panel on the ggbrain plot
count_neighbors This function counts the number of neighboring/touching pixels in a 2D binary image
define Adds contrast definitions to the ggbrain plot
fill_from_edge This function finds holes by flood filling TRUE into a 2D binary image, starting from the edge
find_threads This function finds 'threads' hanging off of the edges of blobs in an image, allowing the user to trim them
flood_fill This function flood fills a binary image with TRUE for any value of FALSE
geom_brain Adds a raster layer to the ggbrain plot, displaying pixels from the specified layer definition
geom_outline Adds an outline layer to the ggbrain plot, displaying outlines from the non-missing pixels in the specified layer definition
geom_region_label Variant of geom_label used for plotting region labels on slices
geom_region_label_repel Variant of geom_label_repel used for plotting region labels on slices with separation from other labels
geom_region_text Variant of geom_text used for plotting region labels on slices
geom_region_text_repel Variant of geom_text_repel used for plotting region labels on slices with separation from other labels
ggbrain create ggb container object for a given plot
ggbrain_images R6 class for compiling images to render in ggplot
ggbrain_label R6 class for adding labels to a ggbrain_panel
ggbrain_layer R6 class for a single layer of a ggbrain panel
ggbrain_layer_brain R6 class for a single layer of a ggbrain panel using fill geom
ggbrain_layer_outline R6 class for a single layer of a ggbrain panel using outline geom
ggbrain_panel R6 class for a single panel of a ggbrain image
ggbrain_plot An R6 class for constructing a ggbrain plot from a ggbrain_slices object
ggplot_add.ggbrain_label S3 method to support adding ggbrain_label objects to an existing ggplot object
ggplot_add.ggbrain_layer S3 method to support adding ggbrain_layer objects to an existing ggplot object
ggplot_add.ggbrain_panel S3 method to support adding ggbrain_layer objects to an existing ggplot object
images Add images to a ggbrain object
integer_breaks breaks function to encourage integer-valued breaks, based on input from pretty
montage Convenience function to add many slices in a montage along one of the 3D planes
nn_impute Imputes missing values in a 2D matrix based on the nearest non-missing neighbors in a given radius
plot.ggb S3 method to allow for plot() syntax with ggbrain (ggb) objects
plot.ggbrain_panel S3 method to allow for plot() syntax with ggbrain_panel objects
plot.ggbrain_plot S3 method to allow for plot() syntax with ggbrain_panel objects
range_breaks breaks function for including min + max with labels, and a few unlabeled ticks in between
render Function to convert 'ggb' object to ggplot/patchwork object
scale_fill_bisided scale for plotting separate color gradients for positive and negative values
slices Adds slices to the ggbrain plot, including additional panel aesthetics