element_arrow {ggarrow}R Documentation

Arrow theme element


Using the theme system, draws arrows in places where element_line() are valid theme elements. Note that the default use of element_arrow() does not actually draw an arrow unless one of the arrow_ arguments is set.


  colour = NULL,
  linewidth = NULL,
  linewidth_head = NULL,
  linewidth_fins = NULL,
  stroke_colour = NULL,
  stroke_width = NULL,
  arrow_head = NULL,
  arrow_fins = NULL,
  arrow_mid = NULL,
  length = NULL,
  length_head = NULL,
  length_fins = NULL,
  length_mid = NULL,
  resect = NULL,
  resect_head = NULL,
  resect_fins = NULL,
  justify = NULL,
  force_arrow = NULL,
  mid_place = NULL,
  lineend = NULL,
  linejoin = NULL,
  linemitre = NULL,
  inherit.blank = FALSE



The colour of the arrow.

linewidth, linewidth_head, linewidth_fins

The width of the arrow shaft in millimetres. linewidth is the default width, whereas linewidth_head and linewidth_fins can set non-uniform width at the end and start of the line respectively.


The colour of the arrow outline.


The width of the arrow outlien.

arrow_head, arrow_fins, arrow_mid

Arrow ornament shapes for the arrow head, arrow fins and middle arrows respectively. Can be one of the following: * NULL for not drawing the ornament. * A ⁠<character>⁠ of length 1 naming an ornament constructor without the "arrow_"-prefix, like "head_wings" or "fins_feather". * A 2-column matrix, such as those built by the ornament constructors.

length, length_head, length_fins, length_mid

Determines the size of the arrow ornaments. length sets the default length, whereas length_head, length_fins and length_mid set the lengths of the arrow head, arrow fins or middle arrows respectively. Can be one of the following:

  • A ⁠<numeric>⁠ to set the ornament size relative to the ⁠linewidth{_\*}⁠ settings.

  • A <unit> to control the ornament size in an absolute manner. Behaviour of relative units such as "npc" or "null" is undefined.

resect, resect_head, resect_fins

A numeric(1) denoting millimetres or <unit> to set an offset from the start and end points of the line such that the arrow is shortened. resect sets the default offset, whereas resect_head and resect_fins sets these offsets for the end- and start-point respectively.


A numeric(1) between [0-1] to control where the arrow ornaments should be drawn relative to the (resected) path's endpoints. A value of 0 (default) sets the ornament's tips at the path's endpoint, whereas a value of 1 sets the ornament's base at the path's endpoint.


A logical(1) which if TRUE, will draw arrow ornaments even when the path's length is shorter than the arrow heads and fins. If FALSE, such ornaments will be dropped.


Sets the location of middle (interior) ornaments when arrow_mid has been provided. Can be one of the following:

  • A ⁠<numeric>⁠ vector with values between [0-1] to set middle ornaments at relative positions along the arc-length of the (resected) path.

  • A <unit> to fill a path with ornaments with th provided unit as spacing between one ornament to the next.


A character(1) setting the style of the line ends without ornaments. Can be "round", "butt" or "square".


A character(1) setting the style of path corners. Can be "round", "mitre" or "bevel".


A numeric(1) greater than 1 setting the path's mitre limits.


A logical(1) indicating if this element should inherit the existence of an ⁠<element_blank>⁠ among its parents. If TRUE, the existence of a blank element among its parents will cause this element to be blank as well. If FALSE, any blank parent element will be ignored when calculating final element state.


An ⁠<element_arrow>⁠ object that can replace ⁠<element_line>⁠ objects in theme().


# Setting a bunch of arrows all over the theme
ggplot(whirlpool(5), aes(x, y, group = group)) +
  geom_path() +
    # Proper arrow with variable width for x-axis line
    axis.line.x = element_arrow(
      arrow_head = "head_wings", linewidth_head = 2, linewidth_fins = 0
    # Just a variable width line for the y-axis line
    axis.line.y = element_arrow(linewidth_head = 0, linewidth_fins = 5,
                                lineend = "round"),
    # Arrows for the y-axis ticks
    axis.ticks.y = element_arrow(arrow_fins = arrow_head_line(angle = 45)),
    # Variable width lines for the x-axis ticks
    axis.ticks.x = element_arrow(linewidth_head = 3, linewidth_fins = 0),
    axis.ticks.length = unit(0.5, 'cm'),
    # Arrows for major panel grid
    panel.grid.major = element_arrow(
      arrow_head = "head_wings", arrow_fins = "fins_feather", length = 10
    # Shortened lines for the minor panel grid
    panel.grid.minor = element_arrow(resect = 20)

[Package ggarrow version 0.1.0 Index]