Alluvial Plots in 'ggplot2'

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Documentation for package ‘ggalluvial’ version 0.12.5

Help Pages

alluvial-data Check for alluvial structure and convert between alluvial formats
data_to_alluvium Alluvia across strata
geom_alluvium Alluvia across strata
geom_flow Flows between lodes or strata
geom_lode Lodes at intersections of alluvia and strata
geom_stratum Strata at axes
is_alluvia_form Check for alluvial structure and convert between alluvial formats
is_lodes_form Check for alluvial structure and convert between alluvial formats
lode-guidance-functions Lode guidance functions
lode_backfront Lode guidance functions
lode_backward Lode guidance functions
lode_forward Lode guidance functions
lode_frontback Lode guidance functions
lode_leftright Lode guidance functions
lode_leftward Lode guidance functions
lode_rightleft Lode guidance functions
lode_rightward Lode guidance functions
lode_zagzig Lode guidance functions
lode_zigzag Lode guidance functions
majors Students' declared majors across several semesters
positions_to_flow Flows between lodes or strata
self-adjoin Adjoin a dataset to itself
self_adjoin Adjoin a dataset to itself
stat_alluvium Alluvial positions
stat_flow Flow positions
stat_stratum Stratum positions
to_alluvia_form Check for alluvial structure and convert between alluvial formats
to_lodes_form Check for alluvial structure and convert between alluvial formats
vaccinations Influenza vaccination survey responses