dtClimate |
Climate data. |
ggplot_calendar_heatmap |
Plots a calendar heatmap |
ggplot_horizon |
Plot a time series as a horizon plot |
ggplot_waterfall |
Plots a water fall plot |
Marimekkofy |
Marimekkofy |
StatCalendarMonthBreaks |
Transforms data for the month breaks of the calendar heatmap |
StatHorizon |
Transforms data for a horizon plot |
StatMarimekko |
Transforms data for the tiles of the heatmap |
StatOccurrence |
Transforms data for an occurrence plot |
StatSteamgraph |
Transforms data for a steam graph |
StatWaterfall |
Transforms data for a horizon plot |
stat_calendar_heatmap |
Plots a calendar heatmap |
stat_horizon |
Plot a time series as a horizon plot |
stat_marimekko |
Plot two categorical variables as marimekko |
stat_occurrence |
Plots a time series as a dot plot |
stat_steamgraph |
Plot multiple time series as a steamgraph |
stat_waterfall |
Plot a time series as a waterfall plot |