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Documentation for package ‘gfunctions’ version 1.0

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gfunctions-package 'glag()' and 'gsummary()': Modified versions of 'lag()' and 'summary()'
gfunctions 'glag()' and 'gsummary()': Modified versions of 'lag()' and 'summary()'
glag Lag a vector or a matrix, with special treatment of 'zoo' and 'ts' objects
glag.default Lag a vector or a matrix, with special treatment of 'zoo' and 'ts' objects
gsummary The 'gsummary()' function
gsummary.data.frame The 'gsummary()' function
gsummary.default The 'gsummary()' function
gsummary.glm The 'gsummary()' function
gsummary.lm The 'gsummary()' function