getmstatistic {getmstatistic} | R Documentation |
Quantifying Systematic Heterogeneity in Meta-Analysis.
computes M statistics to assess the contribution
of each participating study in a meta-analysis. The M statistic
aggregates heterogeneity information across multiple variants to, identify
systematic heterogeneity patterns and their direction of effect in
meta-analysis. It's primary use is to identify outlier studies, which either
show "null" effects or consistently show stronger or weaker genetic effects
than average, across the panel of variants examined in a GWAS meta-analysis.
getmstatistic(beta_in, lambda_se_in, study_names_in, variant_names_in, ...)
## Default S3 method:
save_dir = getwd(),
tau2_method = "DL",
x_axis_increment_in = 0.02,
x_axis_round_in = 2,
produce_plots = TRUE,
verbose_output = FALSE,
beta_in |
A numeric vector of study effect-sizes e.g. log odds-ratios. |
lambda_se_in |
A numeric vector of standard errors, genomically corrected at study-level. |
study_names_in |
A character vector of study names. |
variant_names_in |
A character vector of variant names e.g. rsIDs. |
... |
Further arguments. |
save_dir |
A character scalar specifying a path to the directory where plots should be stored (optional). Required if produce_plots = TRUE. |
tau2_method |
A character scalar, method to estimate heterogeneity: either "DL" or "REML" (Optional). Note: The REML method uses the iterative Fisher scoring algorithm (step length = 0.5, maximum iterations = 10000) to estimate tau2. |
x_axis_increment_in |
A numeric scalar, value by which x-axis of M scatterplot will be incremented (Optional). |
x_axis_round_in |
A numeric scalar, value to which x-axis labels of M scatterplot will be rounded (Optional). |
produce_plots |
A boolean to generate plots (optional). |
verbose_output |
An optional boolean to display intermediate output. |
In contrast to conventional heterogeneity metrics (Q-statistic, I-squared and tau-squared) which measure random heterogeneity at individual variants, M measures systematic (non-random) heterogeneity across multiple independently associated variants.
Systematic heterogeneity can arise in a meta-analysis due to differences in the study characteristics of participating studies. Some of the differences may include: ancestry, allele frequencies, phenotype definition, age-of-disease onset, family-history, gender, linkage disequilibrium and quality control thresholds. See the getmstatistic website for statistical theory, documentation and examples.
uses summary data i.e. study effect-sizes and their
corresponding standard errors to calculate M statistics (One M
for each study in the meta-analysis).
In particular, getmstatistic
employs the inverse-variance weighted
random effects regression model provided in the metafor
R package
to extract SPREs (standardized predicted random effects) which are then
aggregated to formulate M statistics.
Returns a list containing:
Mstatistic_expected_mean , A numeric scalar for the expected mean for M
Mstatistic_expected_sd , A numeric scalar for the expected standard deviation for M
number_studies , A numeric scalar for the number of studies
number_variants , A numeric scalar for the number of variants
Mstatistic_crit_alpha_0_05 , A numeric scalar of the critical M value at the 5 percent significance level.
M_dataset (dataframe) A dataset of the computed M statistics, which includes the following fields:
M , Mstatistic
M_sd , standard deviation of M
M_se , standard error of M
lowerbound , lowerbound of M 95
upperbound , upperbound of M 95
bonfpvalue , 2-sided bonferroni pvalues of M
qvalue , false discovery rate adjusted pvalues of M
tau2 , tau_squared, DL estimates of between-study heterogeneity
I2 , I_squared, proportion of total variation due to between study variance
Q , Cochran's Q
xb , fitted values excluding random effects
usta , standardized predicted random effect (SPRE)
xbu , fitted values including random effects
stdxbu , standard error of prediction (fitted values) including random effects
hat , diagonal elements of the projection hat matrix
study , study numbers
snp , variant numbers
beta_mean , average variant effect size
oddsratio , average variant effect size as oddsratio
beta_n , number of variants in each study
influential_studies_0_05 (dataframe) A dataset of influential studies significant at the 5 percent level.
weaker_studies_0_05 (dataframe) A dataset of under-performing studies significant at the 5 percent level.
Methods (by class)
: Computes M statistics
See Also
function in metafor
for random
effects model, and for
getmstatistic website.
# Basic M analysis using the heartgenes214 dataset.
# heartgenes214 is a multi-ethnic GWAS meta-analysis dataset for coronary artery disease.
# To learn more about the heartgenes214 dataset ?heartgenes214
# Running an M analysis on 20 GWAS significant variants (p < 5e-08) in the first 10 studies
heartgenes44_10studies <- subset(heartgenes214, studies <= 10 & fdr214_gwas46 == 2)
heartgenes20_10studies <- subset(heartgenes44_10studies,
variants %in% unique(heartgenes44_10studies$variants)[1:20])
# Set directory to store plots, this can be a temporary directory
# or a path to a directory of choice e.g. plots_dir <- "~/Downloads"
plots_dir <- tempdir()
getmstatistic_results <- getmstatistic(heartgenes20_10studies$beta_flipped,
save_dir = plots_dir)
# Explore results generated by getmstatistic function
# Retrieve dataset of M statistics
dframe <- getmstatistic_results$M_dataset
# Retrieve dataset of stronger than average studies (significant at 5% level)
# Retrieve dataset of weaker than average studies (significant at 5% level)
# Retrieve number of studies and variants
# Retrieve expected mean, sd and critical M value at 5% significance level
# To view plots stored in a temporary directory, call `tempdir()` to view the directory path
# Additional examples: These take a little bit longer to run
## Not run:
# Set directory to store plots, this can be a temporary directory
# or a path to a directory of choice e.g. plots_dir <- "~/Downloads"
plots_dir <- tempdir()
# Run M analysis on all 214 lead variants
# heartgenes214 is a multi-ethnic GWAS meta-analysis dataset for coronary artery disease.
getmstatistic_results <- getmstatistic(heartgenes214$beta_flipped,
save_dir = plots_dir)
# Subset the GWAS significant variants (p < 5e-08) in heartgenes214
heartgenes44 <- subset(heartgenes214, heartgenes214$fdr214_gwas46 == 2)
# Exploring getmstatistic options:
# Estimate heterogeneity using "REML", default is "DL"
# Modify x-axis of M scatterplot
# Run M analysis verbosely
getmstatistic_results <- getmstatistic(heartgenes44$beta_flipped,
save_dir = plots_dir,
tau2_method = "REML",
x_axis_increment_in = 0.03,
x_axis_round_in = 3,
produce_plots = TRUE,
verbose_output = TRUE)
## End(Not run)