getPass {getPass}R Documentation

Password Input


Password reader. Like R's readline() but the user-typed input text is not printed to the screen.


getPass(msg = "PASSWORD: ", noblank = FALSE, forcemask = FALSE)



The message to enter into the R session before prompting for the masked input. This can be any single string, possibly including a "blank" (""); see the noblank argument.


Logical; should blank passwords ("") be banned? By default, they are allowed, except with RStudio where they are always banned.


Logical; should the function stop with an error if masking is not supported? If FALSE, the function will default to use readline() with a warning message that the input is not masked, and otherwise will stop with an error. See the Details section for more information.


Masking (i.e., not displaying the literal typed text as input) is supported on most, but not all platforms. It is supported in RStudio, provided you have a suitable version of the GUI. It should also work in the terminal on any major OS. Finally, it will work in any environment where the tcltk package is available (e.g., Windows with RGui). Notably, this will not work with Emacs; passwords can be read, but there will be no masking.

In the terminal, the maximum length for input is 255 characters. Additionally, messages printed to the terminal (including the "*" masking) are printed to stderr.


If input is provided, then that is returned. If the user cancels (e.g., cancel button on RStudio or ctrl+c in the terminal), then NULL is returned.


## Not run: 
# Basic usage

# Get password with a custom message
getPass::getPass("Enter the password: ")

## End(Not run)

[Package getPass version 0.2-4 Index]