query_gesla {geslaR}R Documentation

Query the GESLA dataset


This function will make a query to fetch a subset of the GESLA dataset. At least a country code and one year must be specified. Site names can also be specified, but are optional. By default, the resulting subset will contain only data that were revised and recommended for analysis, by the GESLA group of researchers.


  year = NULL,
  site_name = NULL,
  use_flag = 1,
  as_data_frame = FALSE



A character vector specifying the selected countries, using the three-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code. See Details.


A numeric vector specifying the selected years. If NULL (the default), all available years will be selected.


Optional character vector of site names.


The default is 1, which means to use only the data that was revised and usefull for analysis. Can be 0, to fetch only revised and not recommend for analysis, or c(0, 1) to fetch all the data. See Details.


If FALSE (default), the data will be imported as an arrow_dplyr_query object. Otherwise, the data will be in a tbl_df (data.frame) format. See Details.


The country codes must follow the three-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code. However, note that not all countries are available at the GESLA dataset. If in doubt, please check the GESLA Shiny app interface (geslaR-app) online in this server, or use the run_gesla_app() function to open the interface locally.

The use_flag argument must be 1 or 0, or c(0, 1). The use_flag is a column at the GESLA dataset thet indicates wehter the data should be used for analysis or not. The 1 (default) indicates it should, and 0 the otherwise. In a data analysis scenario, the user must only be interested in using the recommended data, so this argument shouldn't be changed. However, in same cases, one must be interested in the non-recommended data, therefore this option is available. Also, you can specify c(0, 1) to fetch all the data (usable and not usable). In any case, the use_flag column will always be present, and it can be used for any post-processing. Please, see the GESLA format documentation for more details.

The default argument as_data_frame = FALSE will result in an object of the arrow_dplyr_query class. The advantage is that, regardless of the size of the resulting dataset, the object will be small in (memory) size. Also, as it happens with the Arrow Table class, it can be manipulated with dplyr verbs. Please, see the documentation at the Arrow website.

Note that, if the as_data_frame argument is set to TRUE, the imported R object will vary in size, according to the size of the subset. In many situations, this can take a long time an may even be infeasible, since the object can result in a "larger-than-memory" size, and possibly will make R operations slow or even a session crash. Therefore, we always recommend to start with as_data_frame = FALSE, and work with the dataset from there.

Please, see vignette("intro-to-geslaR") for a detailed example.


An object of class arrow_dplyr_query or a tbl_df (data.frame).


Fernando Mayer fernando.mayer@mu.ie


if(interactive()) {
    ## Simple query
    da <- query_gesla(country = "IRL")

    ## Select one specific year
    da <- query_gesla(country = "IRL", year = 2015)

    ## Multiple years
    da <- query_gesla(country = "IRL", year = c(2015, 2017))
    da <- query_gesla(country = "IRL", year = 2010:2017)
    da <- query_gesla(country = "IRL", year = c(2010, 2012, 2015))
    da |>
        count(year) |>

    ## Multiple countries
    da <- query_gesla(country = c("IRL", "ATA"), year = 2015)
    da <- query_gesla(country = c("IRL", "ATA"), year = 2010:2017)
    da |>
        count(country, year) |>

    ## Specifying a site name
    da <- query_gesla(country = "IRL", year = c(2015, 2017),
        site_name = "Dublin_Port")
    da |>
        count(year) |>

[Package geslaR version 1.0-1 Index]