gcdata {germinationmetrics} | R Documentation |
Germination count data
An example germination count dataset. It includes germination count data over 14 days from five genotypes (G1 to G5) in three replications
A data frame with 17 columns:
- Genotype
The genotype.
- Rep
- Day01
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 1.
- Day02
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 2.
- Day03
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 3.
- Day04
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 4.
- Day05
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 5.
- Day06
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 6.
- Day07
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 7.
- Day08
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 8.
- Day09
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 9.
- Day10
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 10.
- Day11
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 11.
- Day12
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 12.
- Day13
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 13.
- Day14
Number of seeds that germinated (germination counts) on Day 14.
- Total Seeds
Total number of seeds tested.
# Plot partial germination counts over time
# Convert wide-from to long-form
gcdatamelt <- melt(gcdata[, !names(gcdata) %in% c("Total Seeds")],
id.vars = c("Genotype", "Rep"))
ggplot(gcdatamelt, aes(x = variable, y = value,
group = interaction(Genotype, Rep),
colour = Genotype)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.7) +
ylab("Germination count (Partial)") +
xlab("Intervals") +
# Plot partial germination counts over time
# Convert wide-from to long-form
# Compute cumulative germination counts
gcdata2 <- gcdata
gcdata2[, !names(gcdata2) %in% c("Genotype", "Rep", "Total Seeds")] <-
t(apply(gcdata2[, !names(gcdata2) %in% c("Genotype", "Rep", "Total Seeds")], 1, cumsum))
gcdatamelt2 <- melt(gcdata2[, !names(gcdata2) %in% c("Total Seeds")],
id.vars = c("Genotype", "Rep"))
ggplot(gcdatamelt2, aes(x = variable, y = value,
group = interaction(Genotype, Rep),
colour = Genotype)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.7) +
ylab("Germination count (Cumulative)") +
xlab("Intervals") +
# Compute germination indices
counts.per.intervals <- c("Day01", "Day02", "Day03", "Day04", "Day05",
"Day06", "Day07", "Day08", "Day09", "Day10",
"Day11", "Day12", "Day13", "Day14")
germination.indices(gcdata, total.seeds.col = "Total Seeds",
counts.intervals.cols = counts.per.intervals,
intervals = 1:14, partial = TRUE, max.int = 5)