argsParser |
Parser of an argument string |
bondone |
Bondone Dataset |
brick |
brick |
brick-method |
brick |
brick.decimal.formatter |
Imports a brick of raster ascii maps into a 'brick' object |
brickFromOutputSoil3DTensor |
brickFromOutputSoil3DTensor |
create.geotop.inpts.keyword |
Creates an 'geotop.inpts' files the keyword and their values of a date.frame like the one returned by 'declared.geotop.inpts.keywords' |
create.geotop.meteo.files |
Creates geotop meteo files from (a list of) 'zoo' objects |
declared.geotop.inpts.keywords |
Collects all keywords contained in the 'getop.inpts' configuration files and their values in a data frame object. |
geotopbrick |
geotopbrick |
geotopbrick.default |
geotopbrick |
geotopbrick.GeotopRasterBrick |
geotopbrick |
geotopbrick.RasterBrick |
geotopbrick |
geotopbrick.RasterLayer |
geotopbrick |
geotopbrick.zoo |
geotopbrick |
GeotopRasterBrick |
GeotopRasterBrick-class |
GeotopRasterBrick-class |
GeotopRasterBrick-class |
get.geotop.inpts.keyword.value |
Importing a GEOtop Keyword and its Value into R |
get.geotop.points |
Get a 'sf' object for Meteorological Stations or Control Points in a GEOtop simulation |
get.geotop.recovery.state |
This function saves all spatially distrubuted information contained in the recovery folder into a comprehensive 'list' object. |
getProjection |
It reads the CRS metadata utilzed in a GEOtop Simulation | |
Interpolates the values of a 'brick' at a certain depth and returns the map of brick values at the "depth" level |
KML-method |
max_value |
max_value |
meteo |
Bondone Dataset |
min_value |
min_value |
Ops |
Ops |
Ops-method |
Ops |
plot |
plot |
plot-method |
plot | | | | |
rasterFromOutput2DMap |
brickFromOutputSoil3DTensor |
read.ascii.vectorized.brick |
Read a text file containing values and matedata of a z-layer brick referred to a time instant (e.g. date). The file is formatted like an ascii format like "geotop.inpts" file. |
read.raster.from.url |
It imports a 'RasterLayer' object in Escri-Asci format from a URL 'http(s)://....<FILENAME>.asc |
read.vectorized.geotop.recovery |
Reads a text file like the one generated by 'write.vectorized.geotop.recovery' |
replace.keyword |
It replaces some keyword values of 'geotop.inpts' file with the ones of anoter '*.inpts' value |
set.geotop.recovery.state |
This function re-writes the recovery ascii raster maps in a given folder |
vertical.aggregate.brick.within.depth |
Aggregates with a mean or an addition on the vertical profile the values of a 'brick' within a certain depth and returns the vertical aggregated map |
write.ascii.vectorized.brick |
Writes a z-layer brick referred to a time instant (e.g. date) in an ascii format like "geotop.inpts" file. |
write.geotop.table |
Writes an R object ('data.frame' or 'zoo') into a CSV file readible by GEOtop. |
write.vectorized.geotop.recovery |
It writes a 'list' object returened by 'get.geotop.recovery.state' as a string vector or in a text file, following '*.inpts' or Matlab-like syntax. | |
Writes one or more variables (scalars, vectors or Rasters) in a string each, following '*.inpts' or Matlab-like syntax. |
writeRasterxGEOtop |
This function uses 'writeRaster' to create .asc maps which can be read by GEOtop |
zoo-class |
A GeotopRasterBrick: an object to manage raster maps provied by GEOtop!! |