An R Plug-in for the Distributed Hydrological Model GEOtop

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Documentation for package ‘geotopbricks’ version

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argsParser Parser of an argument string
bondone Bondone Dataset
brick brick
brick-method brick
brick.decimal.formatter Imports a brick of raster ascii maps into a 'brick' object
brickFromOutputSoil3DTensor brickFromOutputSoil3DTensor
create.geotop.inpts.keyword Creates an 'geotop.inpts' files the keyword and their values of a date.frame like the one returned by 'declared.geotop.inpts.keywords'
create.geotop.meteo.files Creates geotop meteo files from (a list of) 'zoo' objects
declared.geotop.inpts.keywords Collects all keywords contained in the 'getop.inpts' configuration files and their values in a data frame object.
geotopbrick geotopbrick
geotopbrick.default geotopbrick
geotopbrick.GeotopRasterBrick geotopbrick
geotopbrick.RasterBrick geotopbrick
geotopbrick.RasterLayer geotopbrick
geotopbrick.zoo geotopbrick
GeotopRasterBrick GeotopRasterBrick-class
GeotopRasterBrick-class GeotopRasterBrick-class
get.geotop.inpts.keyword.value Importing a GEOtop Keyword and its Value into R
get.geotop.points Get a 'sf' object for Meteorological Stations or Control Points in a GEOtop simulation
get.geotop.recovery.state This function saves all spatially distrubuted information contained in the recovery folder into a comprehensive 'list' object.
getProjection It reads the CRS metadata utilzed in a GEOtop Simulation Interpolates the values of a 'brick' at a certain depth and returns the map of brick values at the "depth" level
KML-method KML
max_value max_value
meteo Bondone Dataset
min_value min_value
Ops Ops
Ops-method Ops
plot plot
plot-method plot
rasterFromOutput2DMap brickFromOutputSoil3DTensor
read.ascii.vectorized.brick Read a text file containing values and matedata of a z-layer brick referred to a time instant (e.g. date). The file is formatted like an ascii format like "geotop.inpts" file.
read.raster.from.url It imports a 'RasterLayer' object in Escri-Asci format from a URL 'http(s)://....<FILENAME>.asc
read.vectorized.geotop.recovery Reads a text file like the one generated by 'write.vectorized.geotop.recovery'
replace.keyword It replaces some keyword values of 'geotop.inpts' file with the ones of anoter '*.inpts' value
set.geotop.recovery.state This function re-writes the recovery ascii raster maps in a given folder
vertical.aggregate.brick.within.depth Aggregates with a mean or an addition on the vertical profile the values of a 'brick' within a certain depth and returns the vertical aggregated map
write.ascii.vectorized.brick Writes a z-layer brick referred to a time instant (e.g. date) in an ascii format like "geotop.inpts" file.
write.geotop.table Writes an R object ('data.frame' or 'zoo') into a CSV file readible by GEOtop.
write.vectorized.geotop.recovery It writes a 'list' object returened by 'get.geotop.recovery.state' as a string vector or in a text file, following '*.inpts' or Matlab-like syntax. Writes one or more variables (scalars, vectors or Rasters) in a string each, following '*.inpts' or Matlab-like syntax.
writeRasterxGEOtop This function uses 'writeRaster' to create .asc maps which can be read by GEOtop
zoo-class A GeotopRasterBrick: an object to manage raster maps provied by GEOtop!!