idwST {geosptdb}R Documentation

Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) function for spatio-temporal prediction.


This function performs spatio-temporal interpolation. Here idwST is in a local neighborhood. This interpolation method considers the value of a point can be obtained from the weighted sum of values of the regionalized variable of closest neighbors. The general formula for the IDW is given by:

z^0(st)=i=1nλizi(st) \hat{z}_0(st)=\sum_{i=1}^n \lambda_i z_i(st)

The expression for determining the weights is:

λi=di0pi=1ndi0p \lambda_i = \frac{d_{i0}^{-p}}{\sum_{i=1}^n d_{i0}^{-p}}

The weight is controlled by a factor p with each increment of the distance, di0d_{i0} is the distance between the prediction position and each of the measured positions.

The expression di0d_{i0} can be obtained by:

di0=(xix0)2+(yiy0)2+C(tit0)2 d_{i0}=\sqrt{(x_{i}-x_{0})^2+(y_{i}-y_{0})^2+C\cdot (t_{i}-t_{0})^2}

xx, yy and tt correspond to the spatio-temporal coordinates, p (factor.p) and C factors defined below.


idwST(formula, data, newdata, n.neigh, C, factor.p, progress)



formula that defines a detrended linear model, use zstz_{st}~1.


SpatialPointsDataFrame: should contain the spatio-temporal dependent variable, independent variables (statics and/or dynamics), spatial coordinates and the time as an integer or numerical variable.


data frame or spatial object with prediction/simulation spatio-temporal locations; should contain attribute columns with the independent variables (if present) and (if locations is a formula) the coordinates and time with names, as defined in locations where you want to generate new predictions


number of nearest observations that should be used for a idwST prediction, where nearest is defined in terms of the spatio-temporal locations


numeric; associated to time factor, we recommend using the parameter found by minimizing the root-mean-square prediction errors using cross-validation. Using and optimize


numeric; specify the inverse distance weighting power (p is the exponent that influences the weighting or optimal smoothing parameter)


whether a progress bar shall be printed for spatio-temporal inverse-distance weighted function; default=TRUE


idwST function generates individual spatio-temporal predictions from IDW spatio-temporal interpolation. IDW is a type of deterministic method for interpolation, the assigned values to unknown points are calculated with a weighted average of the values available at the known points.


Attributes columns contain coordinates, time, predictions, and the variance column contains NA's


Li L, Losser T, Yorke C, Piltner R. (2014). Fast inverse distance weighting-based spatiotemporal interpolation: a web-based application of interpolating daily fine particulate matter PM2:5 in the contiguous U.S. using parallel programming and k-d tree. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 11: 9101-9141. [link]


# Loading Croatia data
coordinates(croatia2008) <- ~x+y

# prediction case: one point
point <- data.frame(670863,5043464,5)
names(point) <- c("x","y","t")

coordinates(point) <- ~x+y
idwST(MTEMP~1, data=croatia2008, newdata=point, n.neigh=60, C=1, factor.p=2)

## Not run: 
# prediction case: a grid of points Croatia (year 2008)
points <- spsample(croatia, n=5000, type="regular")


GridsT <- vector(mode = "list", length = 12)

for(i in 1:12){
GridsT[[i]] <- data.frame(points@coords,i)
names(GridsT[[i]]) <- c("x","y","t")

idw.croatia <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = 14, nrow=nrow(GridsT[[1]])))
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 12, char = "=", style = 3)
for(i in 1:12){
coordinates(GridsT[[i]]) <- c("x", "y")
idw.croatia[,i+2] <- idwST(MTEMP~1, croatia2008, newdata=GridsT[[i]], n.neigh=10, C=1,
                          factor.p=2, progress=FALSE)[,4]
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

idw.croatia[,1:2] <- GridsT[[1]]@coords
nam <- paste(c("ENE","FEB","MAR","ABR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AGO","SEP","OCT","NOV","DIC"),
names(idw.croatia) <- c("x","y",nam)

coordinates(idw.croatia) <- c("x", "y")
gridded(idw.croatia) <- TRUE

# show prediction map
pal2 <- colorRampPalette(c("blue3", "wheat1", "red3"))

p1 <- spplot(idw.croatia[,1:12], cuts=30, col.regions=pal2(35), colorkey=F,
            scales = list(draw =T,cex=0.6, abbreviate=TRUE,minlength=1), pch=0.3,
            cex.lab=0.3, cex.title=0.3, auto.key = F, main = "Earth's average
            temperature IDW map 2008","right", cex=0.8))

split.screen( rbind(c(0, 1,0,1), c(1,1,0,1)))
split.screen(c(1,2), screen=1)-> ind
screen( ind[1])
screen( ind[2])
image.plot(legend.only=TRUE, legend.width=0.5, col=pal2(100),
           smallplot=c(0.7,0.75, 0.3,0.7), zlim=c(min(idw.croatia@data),
           max(idw.croatia@data)), axis.args = list(cex.axis = 0.7))
close.screen( all=TRUE)

## End(Not run)

[Package geosptdb version 1.0-1 Index]