Open Source Geometry Engine ('GEOS') R API

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Documentation for package ‘geos’ version 0.2.4

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-- A --

as_geos_geometry Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_geometry.blob Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_geometry.character Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_geometry.default Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_geometry.geos_geometry Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_geometry.WKB Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_geometry.wk_xy Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_geometry.wk_xyz Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
as_geos_strtree Create a GEOS STRTree
as_geos_strtree.default Create a GEOS STRTree
as_geos_strtree.geos_geometry Create a GEOS STRTree
as_geos_strtree.geos_strtree Create a GEOS STRTree
as_geos_type_id Create empty geometries
as_geos_type_id.character Create empty geometries
as_geos_type_id.default Create empty geometries
as_geos_type_id.numeric Create empty geometries

-- G --

geos_area Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_basic_strtree Create a basic GEOS STRTree
geos_basic_strtree_finalized Create a basic GEOS STRTree
geos_basic_strtree_insert Create a basic GEOS STRTree
geos_basic_strtree_query Create a basic GEOS STRTree
geos_basic_strtree_query_filtered Create a basic GEOS STRTree
geos_basic_strtree_size Create a basic GEOS STRTree
geos_boundary Geometry transformers
geos_buffer Buffer a geometry
geos_buffer_params Buffer a geometry
geos_build_area Geometry transformers
geos_centroid Geometry transformers
geos_clearance_line_between Binary geometry operators
geos_clip_by_rect Geometry transformers
geos_clone Geometry transformers
geos_concave_hull Geometry transformers
geos_concave_hull_of_polygons Geometry transformers
geos_constrained_delaunay_triangles Delaunay triagulations and Voronoi diagrams
geos_contains Binary predicates
geos_contains_any Matrix predicates
geos_contains_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_contains_properly_any Matrix predicates
geos_contains_properly_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_convex_hull Geometry transformers
geos_coordinate_dimension Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_coverage_union Geometry transformers
geos_covered_by Binary predicates
geos_covered_by_any Matrix predicates
geos_covered_by_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_covers Binary predicates
geos_covers_any Matrix predicates
geos_covers_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_create_rectangle Create rectangles from bounds
geos_crosses Binary predicates
geos_crosses_any Matrix predicates
geos_crosses_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_delaunay_edges Delaunay triagulations and Voronoi diagrams
geos_delaunay_triangles Delaunay triagulations and Voronoi diagrams
geos_densify Geometry transformers
geos_difference Binary geometry operators
geos_difference_prec Binary geometry operators
geos_dimension Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_disjoint Binary predicates
geos_disjoint_any Matrix predicates
geos_disjoint_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_distance Distance calculations
geos_distance_frechet Distance calculations
geos_distance_hausdorff Distance calculations
geos_distance_indexed Distance calculations
geos_empty Create empty geometries
geos_envelope Geometry transformers
geos_envelope_rct Geometry transformers
geos_equals Binary predicates
geos_equals_any Matrix predicates
geos_equals_exact Binary predicates
geos_equals_exact_any Matrix predicates
geos_equals_exact_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_equals_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_extent Geometry transformers
geos_geometry Create GEOS Geometry Vectors
geos_geometry_n Access child geometries
geos_geometry_writer Compatibility with the wk package
geos_has_z Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_hilbert_code Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_inner_join Generate inner join keys based on a GEOS predicate
geos_inner_join_keys Generate inner join keys based on a GEOS predicate
geos_interpolate Linear referencing
geos_interpolate_normalized Linear referencing
geos_intersection Binary geometry operators
geos_intersection_prec Binary geometry operators
geos_intersects Binary predicates
geos_intersects_any Matrix predicates
geos_intersects_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_is_clockwise Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_is_closed Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_is_empty Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_is_ring Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_is_simple Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_is_valid Geometry validity
geos_is_valid_detail Geometry validity
geos_is_within_distance Distance calculations
geos_largest_empty_circle_spec Circular approximations
geos_largest_empty_crc Circular approximations
geos_length Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_line_merge Geometry transformers
geos_line_merge_directed Geometry transformers
geos_make_collection Create geometries from vectors of coordinates
geos_make_linestring Create geometries from vectors of coordinates
geos_make_point Create geometries from vectors of coordinates
geos_make_polygon Create geometries from vectors of coordinates
geos_make_valid Geometry transformers
geos_make_valid_params Geometry transformers
geos_maximum_inscribed_circle_spec Circular approximations
geos_maximum_inscribed_crc Circular approximations
geos_merge_lines Geometry transformers
geos_minimum_bounding_circle Circular approximations
geos_minimum_bounding_crc Circular approximations
geos_minimum_clearance Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_minimum_clearance_line Geometry transformers
geos_minimum_rotated_rectangle Geometry transformers
geos_minimum_width Geometry transformers
geos_nearest Find the closest feature
geos_nearest_frechet Find the closest feature
geos_nearest_hausdorff Find the closest feature
geos_nearest_indexed Find the closest feature
geos_node Geometry transformers
geos_normalize Geometry transformers
geos_num_coordinates Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_num_geometries Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_num_interior_rings Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_num_rings Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_offset_curve Buffer a geometry
geos_orientation_index Segment operations
geos_overlaps Binary predicates
geos_overlaps_any Matrix predicates
geos_overlaps_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_point_end Geometry transformers
geos_point_n Geometry transformers
geos_point_on_surface Geometry transformers
geos_point_start Geometry transformers
geos_polygonize Create polygons from noded edges
geos_polygonize_cut_edges Create polygons from noded edges
geos_polygonize_full Create polygons from noded edges
geos_polygonize_valid Create polygons from noded edges
geos_polygon_hull_simplify Geometry transformers
geos_precision Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_prepared_contains Binary predicates
geos_prepared_contains_properly Binary predicates
geos_prepared_covered_by Binary predicates
geos_prepared_covers Binary predicates
geos_prepared_crosses Binary predicates
geos_prepared_disjoint Binary predicates
geos_prepared_distance Distance calculations
geos_prepared_intersects Binary predicates
geos_prepared_is_within_distance Distance calculations
geos_prepared_overlaps Binary predicates
geos_prepared_touches Binary predicates
geos_prepared_within Binary predicates
geos_project Linear referencing
geos_project_normalized Linear referencing
geos_read_geojson Read and write well-known text
geos_read_hex Read and write well-known text
geos_read_wkb Read and write well-known text
geos_read_wkt Read and write well-known text
geos_read_xy Read and write well-known text
geos_relate Dimensionally extended 9 intersection model
geos_relate_pattern Dimensionally extended 9 intersection model
geos_relate_pattern_create Dimensionally extended 9 intersection model
geos_relate_pattern_match Dimensionally extended 9 intersection model
geos_remove_repeated_points Geometry transformers
geos_reverse Geometry transformers
geos_ring_n Access child geometries
geos_segment_intersection Segment operations
geos_set_precision Geometry transformers
geos_set_srid Geometry transformers
geos_shared_paths Binary geometry operators
geos_simplify Geometry transformers
geos_simplify_preserve_topology Geometry transformers
geos_snap Binary geometry operators
geos_srid Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_strtree Create a GEOS STRTree
geos_strtree_data Create a GEOS STRTree
geos_strtree_query Create a GEOS STRTree
geos_sym_difference Binary geometry operators
geos_sym_difference_prec Binary geometry operators
geos_touches Binary predicates
geos_touches_any Matrix predicates
geos_touches_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_transform_xy Geometry transformers
geos_type Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_type_id Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_unary_union Geometry transformers
geos_unary_union_prec Geometry transformers
geos_union Binary geometry operators
geos_union_prec Binary geometry operators
geos_unique_points Geometry transformers
geos_unnest Unnest nested geometries
geos_version GEOS version information
geos_voronoi_edges Delaunay triagulations and Voronoi diagrams
geos_voronoi_polygons Delaunay triagulations and Voronoi diagrams
geos_within Binary predicates
geos_within_any Matrix predicates
geos_within_matrix Matrix predicates
geos_write_geojson Read and write well-known text
geos_write_hex Read and write well-known text
geos_write_wkb Read and write well-known text
geos_write_wkt Read and write well-known text
geos_write_xy Read and write well-known text
geos_x Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_xmax Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_xmin Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_y Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_ymax Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_ymin Extract information from a GEOS geometry
geos_z Extract information from a GEOS geometry

-- P --

plot.geos_geometry Plot GEOS geometries

-- V --

vctrs-methods Vctrs methods
vec_cast.geos_geometry Vctrs methods
vec_ptype2.geos_geometry Vctrs methods

-- W --

wk-methods Compatibility with the wk package
wk_handle.geos_geometry Compatibility with the wk package
wk_writer.geos_geometry Compatibility with the wk package