bary2cart |
Conversion of Barycentric to Cartesian coordinates |
cart2bary |
Conversion of Cartesian to Barycentric coordinates. |
cart2pol |
Transform Cartesian coordinates to polar or cylindrical coordinates. |
cart2sph |
Transform Cartesian to spherical coordinates |
convhulln |
Compute smallest convex hull that encloses a set of points |
delaunayn |
Delaunay triangulation in N dimensions |
distmesh2d |
A simple mesh generator for non-convex regions |
distmeshnd |
A simple mesh generator for non-convex regions in n-D space |
dot |
Compute the dot product of two vectors |
entry.value |
Retrieve or set a list of array element values |
entry.value<- |
Retrieve or set a list of array element values |
extprod3d |
Compute external- or 'cross'- product of 3D vectors. |
feasible.point |
Find point in intersection of convex hulls |
halfspacen |
Compute halfspace intersection about a point |
inhulln |
Test if points lie in convex hull |
intersectn |
Compute convex hull of intersection of two sets of points |
matmax |
Row-wise matrix functions |
matmin |
Row-wise matrix functions |
matorder |
Row-wise matrix functions |
matsort |
Row-wise matrix functions |
mesh.dcircle |
Circle distance function |
mesh.diff |
Difference, union and intersection operation on two regions |
mesh.drectangle |
Rectangle distance function |
mesh.dsphere |
Sphere distance function |
mesh.hunif |
Uniform desired edge length |
mesh.intersect |
Difference, union and intersection operation on two regions |
mesh.union |
Difference, union and intersection operation on two regions |
pol2cart |
Transform polar or cylindrical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates. |
polyarea |
Determines area of a polygon by triangle method. |
rbox |
Generate various point distributions |
sph2cart |
Transform spherical coordinates to Cartesian coordinates |
surf.tri |
Find surface triangles from tetrahedral mesh |
tetramesh |
Render tetrahedron mesh (3D) |
to.mesh3d |
Convert convhulln object to RGL mesh |
trimesh |
Display triangles mesh (2D) |
tsearch |
Search for the enclosing Delaunay convex hull |
tsearchn |
Search for the enclosing Delaunay convex hull |
Unique |
Extract Unique Rows |