geomander-package {geomander}R Documentation

Geographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering


A compilation of tools to complete common tasks for studying gerrymandering. This focuses on the geographic tool side of common problems, such as linking different levels of spatial units or estimating how to break up units. Functions exist for creating redistricting-focused data for the US.

Package Content

Index of help topics:

add_edge                Add Edges to an Adjacency List
adjacency               Build Adjacency List
alarm_states            List Available States from ALARM Data
baf_to_vtd              Estimate Plans from a Block Assignment File to
                        Voting Districts
block2prec              Aggregate Block Table by Matches
block2prec_by_county    Aggregate Block Table by Matches and County
check_contiguity        Check Contiguity by Group
                        Check Polygon Contiguity
checkerboard            Checkerboard
checkerboard_adj        Checkerboard Adjacency
clean_vest              Clean VEST Names
compare_adjacencies     Compare Adjacency Lists
count_connections       Count Times Precincts are Connected
create_block_table      Create Block Level Data
create_tract_table      Create Tract Level Data
dra2r                   DRA to R
estimate_down           Estimate Down Levels
estimate_up             Estimate Up Levels
geo_estimate_down       Estimate Down Geography Levels
geo_estimate_up         Estimate Up Geography Levels
geo_filter              Filter to Intersecting Pieces
geo_match               Match Across Geographic Layers
geo_plot                Plots a Shape with Row Numbers as Text
geo_plot_group          Create Plots of Shapes by Group with Connected
                        Components Colored
geo_sort                Sort Precincts
geo_trim                Trim Away Small Pieces
geomander-package       Geographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering
geos_centerish          Get the kind of center of each shape
geos_circle_center      Get the centroid of the maximum inscribed
get_alarm               Get ALARM Dataset
get_dra                 Get Dave's Redistricting App Dataset
get_heda                Get Harvard Election Data Archive ("HEDA")
get_lewis               Get historical United States Congressional
                        District Shapefiles
get_rpvnearme           Get Racially Polarized Voting Dataset from RPV
                        Near Me
get_vest                Get Voting and Election Science Team ("VEST")
global_gearys           Compute Global Geary's C
global_morans           Compute Global Moran's I
gstar_i                 Compute Standardized Getis Ord G*i
heda_states             List Available States from HEDA Dataverse
local_gearys            Compute Local Geary's C
local_morans            Compute Local Moran's I
nrcsd                   nrcsd
orange                  orange
precincts               precincts
r2dra                   R to DRA
regionalize             Estimate Regions by Geographic Features
rockland                rockland
seam_adj                Filter Adjacency to Edges Along Border
seam_geom               Filter Shape to Geographies Along Border
seam_rip                Remove Edges along a Boundary
seam_sew                Suggest Edges to Connect Two Sides of a Border
split_precinct          Split a Precinct
st_centerish            Get the kind of center of each shape
st_circle_center        Get the centroid of the maximum inscribed
subtract_edge           Subtract Edges from an Adjacency List
                        Suggest Connections for Disconnected Groups
suggest_neighbors       Suggest Neighbors for Lonely Precincts
towns                   towns
va18sub                 va18sub
va_blocks               va_blocks
va_vtd                  va_vtd
vest_states             List Available States from VEST Dataverse


Christopher T. Kenny <>


Christopher T. Kenny [aut, cre] (<>), Cory McCartan [ctb] (<>)

[Package geomander version 2.3.0 Index]