wrc {geoR} | R Documentation |
Points of a water retention curve data set
Soil density and measures of the water retention curve obtained at different pressures on a regular grid with 10x25 points spaced by 5 meters.
A data frame with 250 observations on the following 11 variables.
a numeric vector with the X coordinates of the samples.
a numeric vector with the Y coordinate of the samples.
a numeric vector, soil density
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 5 mca –
5 \times 10^2
Pa (atm)Pr10
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 10 mca –
1 \times 10^3
Pa (atm)Pr60
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 60 mca –
6 \times 10^3
Pa (atm)Pr100
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 100 mca –
1 \times 10^4
Pa (atm)Pr306
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 306 mca –
3 \times 10^4
Pa (atm)Pr816
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 816 mca –
8 \times 10^4
Pa (atm)Pr3060
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 3060 mca –
3 \times 10^5
Pa (atm)Pr15300
a numeric vector, water content at a pressure of 15300 mca –
1.5 \times 10^6
Pa (atm)
Uniformity trial with 250 undisturbed soil samples collected at 25cm
soil depth of spacing of 5 meters, resulting on a regular grid of
25 \times 10
sampling points.
For each sampling point there are measurents of the soil density and
water content obtained at eight pressures: 5, 10, 60, 100, 306, 816,
3060 and 15300 meters of column of water (mca), corresponding to
5 \times 10^2
1 \times 10^3
, 6 \times 10^3
, 1 \times 10^4
3 \times 10^4
, 8 \times 10^4
, 3 \times 10^5
1.5 \times10^6
The experiment aimed to use the water contents of the samples to estimate the water retention curve at the 250 data points.
See also the data-set soil250
with soil chemistry properties measured at the same points.
MORAES, S.O. (1991) Heterogeneidade hidráulica de uma terra roxa estruturada. PhD Thesis. ESALQ/USP.
MORAES, S. O. ; LIBARDI, P. L. ; REICHARDT, K. (1993) Problemas metodológicos na obtenção da curva de retenção de água pelo solo. Scientia Agricola, Piracicaba, v. 50, n. 3, p. 383-392.
MORAES, S. O. ; LIBARDI, P. L. ; REICHARDT, K. ; BACCHI, O. O. S. (1993) Heterogeneidade dos pontos experimentais de curvas de retenção da água do solo.. Scientia Agricola, Piracicaba, v. 50, n. 3, p. 393-402.
MORAES, S. O. ; LIBARDI, P. L. (1993) Variabilidade da água disponível em uma terra roxa estruturada latossólica. Scientia Agricola, Piracicaba, v. 50, n. 3, p. 393-402, 1993.
pr100 <- as.geodata(wrc, data.col=7)