get_elts {genscore}R Documentation

The function wrapper to get the elements necessary for calculations for all settings.


The function wrapper to get the elements necessary for calculations for all settings.


  centered = TRUE,
  profiled_if_noncenter = TRUE,
  scale = "",
  diagonal_multiplier = 1,
  use_C = TRUE,
  tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5,
  unif_dist = NULL



A function that returns a list containing hx=h(x) (element-wise) and hpx=hp(x) (element-wise derivative of hh) when applied to a vector or a matrix x, both of which has the same shape as x.


An n by p matrix, the data matrix, where n is the sample size and p the dimension.


A string that indicates the distribution type, must be one of "exp", "gamma", "gaussian", "log_log", "log_log_sum0", or of the form "ab_NUM1_NUM2", where NUM1 is the a value and NUM2 is the b value, and NUM1 and NUM2 must be integers or two integers separated by "/", e.g. "ab_2_2", "ab_2_5/4" or "ab_2/3_1/2". If domain$type == "simplex", only "log_log" and "log_log_sum0" are supported, and on the other hand "log_log_sum0" is supported for domain$type == "simplex" only.


A list returned from make_domain() that represents the domain.


A boolean, whether in the centered setting(assume μ=η=0\boldsymbol{\mu}=\boldsymbol{\eta}=0) or not. Default to TRUE.


A boolean, whether in the profiled setting (λη=0\lambda_{\boldsymbol{\eta}}=0) if non-centered. Parameter ignored if centered=TRUE. Default to TRUE. Can only be FALSE if setting == "log_log_sum0" && centered == FALSE.


A string indicating the scaling method. If contains "sd", columns are scaled by standard deviation; if contains "norm", columns are scaled by l2 norm; if contains "center" and setting == "gaussian" && domain$type == "R", columns are centered to have mean zero. Default to "norm".


A number >= 1, the diagonal multiplier.


Optional. A boolean, use C (TRUE) or R (FALSE) functions for computation. Default to TRUE. Ignored if setting == "gaussian" && domain$type == "R".


Optional. A positive number. If setting != "gaussian" || domain$type != "R", function stops if any entry if smaller than -tol, and all entries between -tol and 0 are set to tol, for numerical stability and to avoid violating the assumption that h(x)>0h(\mathbf{x})>0 almost surely.


Optional, defaults to NULL. If not NULL, h_hp must be NULL and unif_dist(x) must return a list containing "g0" of length nrow(x) and "g0d" of dimension dim(x), representing the l2 distance and the gradient of the l2 distance to the boundary: the true l2 distance function to the boundary is used for all coordinates in place of h_of_dist; see "Estimating Density Models with Complex Truncation Boundaries" by Liu et al, 2019. That is, (hjϕj)(xi)(h_j\circ \phi_j)(x_i) in the score-matching loss is replaced by g0(xi)g_0(x_i), the l2 distance of xi to the boundary of the domain.


Computes the Γ\boldsymbol{\Gamma} matrix and the g\boldsymbol{g} vector for generalized score matching.

Here, Γ\boldsymbol{\Gamma} is block-diagonal, and in the non-profiled non-centered setting, the jj-th block is composed of ΓKK,j\boldsymbol{\Gamma}_{\mathbf{KK},j}, ΓKη,j\boldsymbol{\Gamma}_{\mathbf{K}\boldsymbol{\eta},j} and its transpose, and finally Γηη,j\boldsymbol{\Gamma}_{\boldsymbol{\eta\eta},j}. In the centered case, only ΓKK,j\boldsymbol{\Gamma}_{\mathbf{KK},j} is computed. In the profiled non-centered case,


Similarly, in the non-profiled non-centered setting, g\boldsymbol{g} can be partitioned pp parts, each with a pp-vector gK,j\boldsymbol{g}_{\mathbf{K},j} and a scalar gη,jg_{\boldsymbol{\eta},j}. In the centered setting, only gK,j\boldsymbol{g}_{\mathbf{K},j} is needed. In the profiled non-centered case,


The formulae for the pieces above are






where ej,p\boldsymbol{e}_{j,p} is the pp-vector with 1 at the jj-th position and 0 elsewhere.

In the profiled non-centered setting, the function also returns t1t_1 and t2t_2 defined as


so that η^=t1t2vec(K^).\hat{\boldsymbol{\eta}}=\boldsymbol{t}_1-\boldsymbol{t}_2\mathrm{vec}(\hat{\mathbf{K}}).


A list that contains the elements necessary for estimation.


The sample size.


The dimension.


The centered setting or not. Same as input.


The scaling method. Same as input.


The diagonal multiplier. Same as input.


A vector that contains the diagonal entries of Γ\boldsymbol{\Gamma} after applying the multiplier.


The domain type. Same as domain$type in the input.


The setting. Same as input.


The g\boldsymbol{g} vector. In the non-profiled non-centered setting, this is the g\boldsymbol{g} sub-vector corresponding to K\mathbf{K}. A p2p^2-vector. Not returned if setting == "gaussian" && domain$type == "R" since it is just diag(p)diag(p).


The Γ\boldsymbol{\Gamma} matrix with no diagonal multiplier. In the non-profiled non-centered setting, this is the Γ\boldsymbol{\Gamma} sub-matrix corresponding to K\mathbf{K}. A vector of length p2p^2 if setting == "gaussian" && domain$type == "R" or p3p^3 otherwise.


Returned in the non-profiled non-centered setting. The g\boldsymbol{g} sub-vector corresponding to η\boldsymbol{\eta}. A pp-vector. Not returned if setting == "gaussian" && domain$type == "R" since it is just numeric(p)numeric(p).


Returned in the non-profiled non-centered setting. The Γ\boldsymbol{\Gamma} sub-matrix corresponding to interaction between K\mathbf{K} and η\boldsymbol{\eta}. If setting == "gaussian" && domain$type == "R", returns a vector of length pp, or p2p^2 otherwise.


Returned in the non-profiled non-centered setting. The Γ\boldsymbol{\Gamma} sub-matrix corresponding to η\boldsymbol{\eta}. A pp-vector. Not returned if setting == "gaussian" && domain$type == "R" since it is just rep(1,p).

t1, t2

Returned in the profiled non-centered setting, where the η\boldsymbol{\eta} estimate can be retrieved from t1t2K^\boldsymbol{t_1}-\boldsymbol{t_2}\hat{\mathbf{K}} after appropriate resizing.

If domain$type == "simplex", the following are also returned.


A matrix of size p by p(p-1). The (j-1)*p+1 through j*p columns represent the interaction matrix between the j-th column and the m-th column of K.


Non-centered only. A matrix of size p by p(p-1). The j-th column represents the interaction between the j-th column of K and eta[p].


Non-centered only. A matrix of size p by p(p-1). The j-th column represents the interaction between the p-th column of K and eta[j]. Note that it is equal to Gamma_Kj_etap if setting does not contain substring "sum0".


Non-centered only. A vector of size p-1. The j-th component represents the interaction between eta[j] and eta[p].


n <- 30
p <- 10
eta <- rep(0, p)
K <- diag(p)
dm <- 1 + (1-1/(1+4*exp(1)*max(6*log(p)/n, sqrt(6*log(p)/n))))

# Gaussian on R^p:
domain <- make_domain("R", p=p)
x <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean=solve(K, eta), sigma=solve(K))
# Equivalently:

x2 <- gen(n, setting="gaussian", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain, finite_infinity=100, 
        xinit=NULL, burn_in=1000, thinning=100, verbose=FALSE)

elts <- get_elts(NULL, x, "gaussian", domain, centered=TRUE, scale="norm", diag=dm)
elts <- get_elts(NULL, x, "gaussian", domain, FALSE, profiled=FALSE, scale="sd", diag=dm)

# Gaussian on R_+^p:
domain <- make_domain("R+", p=p)
x <- tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm(n, mean = solve(K, eta), sigma = solve(K),
       lower = rep(0, p), upper = rep(Inf, p), algorithm = "gibbs", = 100, thinning = 10)
# Equivalently:

x2 <- gen(n, setting="gaussian", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain,
       finite_infinity=100, xinit=NULL, burn_in=1000, thinning=100, verbose=FALSE)

h_hp <- get_h_hp("min_pow", 1, 3)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "gaussian", domain, centered=TRUE, scale="norm", diag=dm)

# Gaussian on sum(x^2) > 1 && sum(x^(1/3)) > 1 with x allowed to be negative
domain <- make_domain("polynomial", p=p, rule="1 && 2",
       ineqs=list(list("expression"="sum(x^2)>1", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=FALSE),
                      list("expression"="sum(x^(1/3))>1", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=FALSE)))
xinit <- rep(sqrt(2/p), p)
x <- gen(n, setting="gaussian", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain, finite_infinity=100, 
       xinit=xinit, seed=2, burn_in=1000, thinning=100, verbose=FALSE)
h_hp <- get_h_hp("min_pow", 1, 3)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "gaussian", domain, centered=FALSE,
       profiled_if_noncenter=TRUE, scale="", diag=dm)

# exp on ([0, 1] v [2,3])^p
domain <- make_domain("uniform", p=p, lefts=c(0,2), rights=c(1,3))
x <- gen(n, setting="exp", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain,
       xinit=NULL, seed=2, burn_in=1000, thinning=100, verbose=FALSE)
h_hp <- get_h_hp("min_pow", 1.5, 3)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "exp", domain, centered=TRUE, scale="", diag=dm)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "exp", domain, centered=FALSE,
       profiled_if_noncenter=FALSE, scale="", diag=dm)

# gamma on {x1 > 1 && log(1.3) < x2 < 1 && x3 > log(1.3) && ... && xp > log(1.3)}
domain <- make_domain("polynomial", p=p, rule="1 && 2 && 3",
       ineqs=list(list("expression"="x1>1", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=TRUE),
                      list("expression"="x2<1", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=TRUE),
                      list("expression"="exp(x)>1.3", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=TRUE)))
xinit <- c(1.5, 0.5, abs(stats::rnorm(p-2))+log(1.3))
x <- gen(n, setting="gamma", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain, finite_infinity=100, 
       xinit=xinit, seed=2, burn_in=1000, thinning=100, verbose=FALSE)
h_hp <- get_h_hp("min_pow", 1.5, 3)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "gamma", domain, centered=TRUE, scale="", diag=dm)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "gamma", domain, centered=FALSE,
       profiled_if_noncenter=FALSE, scale="", diag=dm)

# a0.6_b0.7 on {x in R_+^p: sum(log(x))<2 || (x1^(2/3)-1.3x2^(-3)<1 && exp(x1)+2.3*x2>2)}
domain <- make_domain("polynomial", p=p, rule="1 || (2 && 3)",
       ineqs=list(list("expression"="sum(log(x))<2", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=TRUE),
                      list("expression"="x1^(2/3)-1.3x2^(-3)<1", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=TRUE),
                      list("expression"="exp(x1)+2.3*x2^2>2", abs=FALSE, nonnegative=TRUE)))
xinit <- rep(1, p)
x <- gen(n, setting="ab_3/5_7/10", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain, finite_infinity=100, 
       xinit=xinit, seed=2, burn_in=1000, thinning=100, verbose=FALSE)
h_hp <- get_h_hp("min_pow", 1.4, 3)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "ab_3/5_7/10", domain, centered=TRUE, scale="", diag=dm)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "ab_3/5_7/10", domain, centered=FALSE,
       profiled_if_noncenter=TRUE, scale="", diag=dm)

# log_log model on {x in R_+^p: sum_j j * xj <= 1}
domain <- make_domain("polynomial", p=p,
                           function(j){paste(j, "x", j, sep="")}), collapse="+"), "<1"),
                     abs=FALSE, nonnegative=TRUE)))
x <- gen(n, setting="log_log", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain,
       finite_infinity=100, xinit=NULL, seed=2, burn_in=1000, thinning=100,
h_hp <- get_h_hp("min_pow", 2, 3)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "log_log", domain, centered=TRUE, scale="", diag=dm)
elts <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "log_log", domain, centered=FALSE,
       profiled_if_noncenter=FALSE, scale="", diag=dm)
# Example of using the uniform distance function to boundary as in Liu (2019)
g0 <- function(x) {
       row_min <- apply(x, 1, min)
       row_which_min <- apply(x, 1, which.min)
       dist_to_sum_boundary <- apply(x, 1, function(xx){
                   (1 - sum(1:p * xx)) / sqrt(p*(p+1)*(2*p+1)/6)})
       grad_sum_boundary <- -(1:p) / sqrt(p*(p+1)*(2*p+1)/6)
       g0 <- pmin(row_min, dist_to_sum_boundary)
       g0d <- t(sapply(1:nrow(x), function(i){
          if (row_min[i] < dist_to_sum_boundary[i]){
             tmp <- numeric(ncol(x)); tmp[row_which_min[i]] <- 1
          } else {tmp <- grad_sum_boundary}
       list("g0"=g0, "g0d"=g0d)
elts <- get_elts(NULL, x, "exp", domain, centered=TRUE, profiled_if_noncenter=FALSE,
       scale="", diag=dm, unif_dist=g0)

# log_log_sum0 model on the simplex with K having row and column sums 0 (Aitchison model)
domain <- make_domain("simplex", p=p)
K <- -cov_cons("band", p=p, spars=3, eig=1)
diag(K) <- diag(K) - rowSums(K) # So that rowSums(K) == colSums(K) == 0
eigen(K)$val[(p-1):p] # Make sure K has one 0 and p-1 positive eigenvalues
x <- gen(n, setting="log_log_sum0", abs=FALSE, eta=eta, K=K, domain=domain,
       xinit=NULL, seed=2, burn_in=1000, thinning=100, verbose=FALSE)
h_hp <- get_h_hp("min_pow", 2, 3)
h_hp_dx <- h_of_dist(h_hp, x, domain) # h and h' applied to distance from x to boundary

# Does not assume K has 0 row and column sums
elts_simplex_0 <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "log_log", domain, centered=TRUE, profiled=FALSE,
       scale="", diag=1.5)

# If want K to have row sums and column sums equal to 0 (Aitchison); estimate off-diagonals only
elts_simplex_1 <- get_elts(h_hp, x, "log_log_sum0", domain, centered=FALSE,
       profiled=FALSE, scale="", diag=1.5)
# All entries corresponding to the diagonals of K should be 0:
max(abs(sapply(1:p, function(j){c(elts_simplex_1$Gamma_K[j, (j-1)*p+1:p],
       elts_simplex_1$Gamma_K[, (j-1)*p+j])})))
max(abs(diag(matrix(elts_simplex_1$g_K, nrow=p))))

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