Generalized Ridge Trace Plots for Ridge Regression

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Documentation for package ‘genridge’ version 0.7.0

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genridge-package Generalized ridge trace plots for ridge regression
Acetylene Acetylene Data
biplot.pcaridge Biplot of Ridge Regression Trace Plot in SVD Space
biplot.ridge Biplot of Ridge Regression Trace Plot in SVD Space
coef.ridge Ridge Regression Estimates
contourf Enhanced Contour Plots
Detroit Detroit Homicide Data for 1961-1973
genridge Generalized ridge trace plots for ridge regression
Manpower Hospital manpower data
pairs.ridge Scatterplot Matrix of Bivariate Ridge Trace Plots
pca Transform Ridge Estimates to PCA Space
pca.ridge Transform Ridge Estimates to PCA Space
plot.pcaridge Bivariate Ridge Trace Plots
plot.ridge Bivariate Ridge Trace Plots
plot3d 3D Ridge Trace Plots
plot3d.pcaridge 3D Ridge Trace Plots
plot3d.ridge 3D Ridge Trace Plots
precision Measures of Precision and Shrinkage for Ridge Regression
precision.lm Measures of Precision and Shrinkage for Ridge Regression
precision.ridge Measures of Precision and Shrinkage for Ridge Regression
print.ridge Ridge Regression Estimates
prostate Prostate Cancer Data
ridge Ridge Regression Estimates
ridge.default Ridge Regression Estimates
ridge.formula Ridge Regression Estimates
traceplot Univariate Ridge Trace Plots
trans.colors Make Colors Transparent
vcov.ridge Ridge Regression Estimates
vif.ridge Variance Inflation Factors for Ridge Regression