album_to_df | Convert genius_album object to a data frame |
artist_to_df | Convert genius_artist object to a data frame |
browse_genius | Open the Genius homepage in your browser |
browse_genius_resource | Open the Genius url of a resource in your browser |
genius_token | Get or set Genius access token value |
get_album | Retrieve metadata for an album |
get_album_df | Retrieve meta data for an album |
get_album_tracklist_id | Retrieve an album's tracklisting |
get_album_tracklist_search | Retrieve an album's tracklisting |
get_annotation | Retrieve metadata for an annotation |
get_artist | Retrieve metadata for an artist |
get_artist_df | Retrieve metadata for an artist |
get_artist_songs | Retrieve metadata for all of an artist's songs |
get_artist_songs_df | Retrieve metadata for all of an artist's songs |
get_lyrics_id | Retrieve lyrics associated with a Genius song ID |
get_lyrics_search | Retrieve lyrics associated with a Genius song |
get_lyrics_url | Retrieve lyrics associated with a Genius lyrics page URL |
get_referent | Retrieve metadata for a referent |
get_song | Retrieve metadata for a song |
get_song_df | Retrieve metadata for a song |
print.genius_album | Slightly more human-readable output for genius_album objects |
print.genius_annotation | Slightly more human-readable output for genius_annotation objects |
print.genius_artist | Slightly more human-readable output for genius_artist objects |
print.genius_referent | Slightly more human-readable output for genius_referent objects |
print.genius_resource | Slightly more human-readable output for genius_resource objects |
print.genius_song | Slightly more human-readable output for genius_song objects |
search_artist | Search artists on Genius |
search_genius | Search documents hosted on Genius |
search_song | Search songs on Genius |
song_to_df | Convert genius_song object to a data frame |
tidy_album_performances | Extract album performances from a Genius album |
tidy_song_performances | Extract custom performances from a Genius song |
tidy_song_producers | Extract producer credits from a Genius song |
tidy_song_relationships | Extract song relationships from a Genius song |
tidy_song_writers | Extract writer credits from a Genius song |