A C D E G H I L M N O P S W misc
allele | Extract Features of Genotype objects |
allele.count | Extract Features of Genotype objects |
allele.count.2.genotype | Undocumented functions |
allele.count.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
allele.names | Extract Features of Genotype objects |
as.character.gene | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
as.character.locus | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
as.character.marker | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
as.factor | Undocumented functions |
as.factor.allele.genotype | Undocumented functions |
as.factor.default | Undocumented functions |
as.factor.genotype | Undocumented functions |
as.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.genotype.allele.count | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.genotype.character | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.genotype.default | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.genotype.factor | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.genotype.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.genotype.haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.genotype.table | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
as.haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
carrier | Extract Features of Genotype objects |
carrier.genotype | Extract Features of Genotype objects |
ci.balance | Experimental Function to Correct Confidence Intervals At or Near Boundaries of the Parameter Space by 'Sliding' the Interval on the Quantile Scale. |
diseq | Estimate or Compute Confidence Interval for the Single-Marker Disequilibrium |
diseq.ci | Estimate or Compute Confidence Interval for the Single-Marker Disequilibrium |
diseq.genotype | Estimate or Compute Confidence Interval for the Single-Marker Disequilibrium |
diseq.table | Estimate or Compute Confidence Interval for the Single-Marker Disequilibrium |
expectedGenotypes | Construct expected genotypes/haplotypes according to known allele variants |
expectedHaplotypes | Construct expected genotypes/haplotypes according to known allele variants |
gene | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
gene<- | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
geno.as.array | Undocumented functions |
genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
genotypeOrder | Order/sort genotype/haplotype object |
genotypeOrder<- | Order/sort genotype/haplotype object |
getgene | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
getlocus | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
getmarker | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
gregorius | Probability of Observing All Alleles with a Given Frequency in a Sample of a Specified Size. |
groupGenotype | Group genotype values |
hap | Undocumented functions |
hapambig | Undocumented functions |
hapenum | Undocumented functions |
hapfreq | Undocumented functions |
haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
hapmcmc | Undocumented functions |
hapshuffle | Undocumented functions |
heterozygote | Extract Features of Genotype objects |
heterozygote.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
homozygote | Extract Features of Genotype objects |
homozygote.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
HWE.chisq | Perform Chi-Square Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
HWE.chisq.genotype | Perform Chi-Square Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
HWE.exact | Exact Test of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium for 2-Allele Markers |
HWE.test | Estimate Disequilibrium and Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
HWE.test.data.frame | Estimate Disequilibrium and Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
HWE.test.genotype | Estimate Disequilibrium and Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
is.gene | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
is.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
is.haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
is.locus | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
is.marker | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
LD | Pairwise linkage disequilibrium between genetic markers. |
LD.data.frame | Pairwise linkage disequilibrium between genetic markers. |
LD.genotype | Pairwise linkage disequilibrium between genetic markers. |
LDplot | Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects |
LDtable | Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects |
locus | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
locus<- | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
makeGenotypes | Convert columns in a dataframe to genotypes or haplotypes |
makeHaplotypes | Convert columns in a dataframe to genotypes or haplotypes |
marker | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
marker<- | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
mknum | Undocumented functions |
mourant | Undocumented functions |
nallele | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
order | Order/sort genotype/haplotype object |
order.genotype | Order/sort genotype/haplotype object |
plot.genotype | Plot genotype object |
plot.LD.data.frame | Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects |
power.casectrl | Depreciated functions |
print.allele.count | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
print.allele.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
print.diseq | Estimate or Compute Confidence Interval for the Single-Marker Disequilibrium |
print.gene | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
print.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
print.HWE.test | Estimate Disequilibrium and Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium |
print.LD | Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects |
print.LD.data.frame | Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects |
print.locus | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
print.marker | Create and Manipulate Locus, Gene, and Marker Objects |
print.summary.genotype | Allele and Genotype Frequency from a Genotype or Haplotype Object |
print.summary.LD.data.frame | Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects |
shortsummary.genotype | Undocumented functions |
sort.genotype | Order/sort genotype/haplotype object |
summary.genotype | Allele and Genotype Frequency from a Genotype or Haplotype Object |
summary.LD.data.frame | Textual and graphical display of linkage disequilibrium (LD) objects |
write.marker.file | Create genetics data files |
write.pedigree.file | Create genetics data files |
write.pop.file | Create genetics data files |
%in% | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
%in%.default | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
%in%.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
%in%.haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
==.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
==.haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
[.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
[.haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
[<-.genotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |
[<-.haplotype | Genotype or Haplotype Objects. |