Processing 'Gen5' 2.06 Exported Data

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Documentation for package ‘gen5helper’ version 1.0.1

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gen5helper-package gen5helper: A Collection of Functions for Processing Gen5 2.06 Exported Data Cast an object to match class of another object
Boltzmann Boltzmann model for fitting time series data
factor2num this is a file for functions that are universally useful at common data manipulations Convert factor to numeric
fit.boltzmann Fit readings with Boltzmann model
g5h.annotate Annotate a cleaned dataset
g5h.clean2 Clean Gen5 exported data
g5h.clean_ Clean Gen5 exported data
g5h.set_time2 Add time intervals to cleaned dataset
gen5helper gen5helper: A Collection of Functions for Processing Gen5 2.06 Exported Data
get.halftime Get half time by linear fitting
mapvalues_ Map the unique values of a vector
most.freq Return most frequent numbers
normalize Scale a vector to 0-1 by min and max
range_ Return range of a vector
saveRDS_ saveRDS and return .data
smooth.mean Smooth a vector using moving average
ungroup_ Run ungroup() and
write.csv_ write.csv without row.names