getGEE {geeasy}R Documentation

Get information for a geelm/geeglm object


Get information for a geelm/geeglm object


getGEE(object, name, ...)

getME(object, name, ...)



A geeglm model object as obtained from geepack::geeglm() or a geelm object as obtained from geeasy::geelm()


Name of the slot/component of the geelm/geeglm object that should be returned. See list of possible names in details below.


Any additional arguments passed on to other functions.


The allowed names are:

coefficients or beta: Coefficients from the mean structure model (betas) on their original scales

residuals: Pearson residuals, in the order of the inputted dataset (with NAs omitted).

fitted.values: Fitted values (response scale), in the order of the inputted dataset (with NAs omitted).

rank: The rank of the model matrix, i.e. the number of estimated mean structure coefficients.

family: A family object specifying which exponential family was used for fitting the mean structure model, see family for more information.

linear.predictors: The linear predictor on the original scale.

df.residuals: Residual degrees of freedom.

corstr: Name of the correlation structured imposed on the model. If the correlation structure requires further information, it is stored in a suitably named attribute. For example, for m-dependent correlation structures, the m scalar is available in an attribute named Mv.

std.err: Method used to estimate the standard error of the mean structure coefficients (betas).

alpha: The estimated parameter(s) for the variance structure.

gamma or dispersion: The estimated dispersion parameter.

vbeta: The estimated variance matrix of the mean structure (beta) coefficients. The standard errors of the mean structure (beta) coefficients.

clusz or clustersizes: Sizes of each of the clusters in the data.

nclusters: The total number of clusters.


The requested slot of the object.


[Package geeasy version 0.1.2 Index]