ganiso_d {gear}R Documentation

Anisotropic distance-related characteristics


Computes necessary distance-related characteristics when there is geometric anisotropy. This is essentially an internal function to evaluate a cmodStd object produced by cmod_std when the anisotropy ratio differs from 1.


ganiso_d(coords1, coords2, radians = TRUE, invert = TRUE)



An N×2N \times 2 matrix of spatial coordinates.


An M×2M \times 2 matrix of spatial coordinates. Is missing, then coords2 = coords1.


A logical value indicating whether the angles returned should be in degrees or radians. The default is FALSE, indicating that the returned angles are in degrees.


A logical value indicating whether the axes of the coordinates should be inverted (i.e., the x- and y-axis are switched). The default is TRUE to mimic results from other geostatistical R packages like gstat, geoR, and other software like GSLIB and GeoEAS. Set to FALSE to use the typical x- and y-axes.


A ganisoD object with components d and angles, which is the distance matrix between the coordinates and the angles between the coordinates. The angles are returned in radians.


ganiso_d(cbind(0, 0), cbind(1, 1))

[Package gear version 0.3.4 Index]