Wrappers for 'GDAL' Utilities Executables

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Documentation for package ‘gdalUtilities’ version 1.2.5

Help Pages

gdalUtilities-package Wrappers for 'GDAL' Utilities Executables
gdalbuildvrt Interface to GDAL's gdalbuildvrt utility
gdaldem Interface to GDAL's gdaldem utility
gdalinfo Interface to GDAL's gdalinfo utility
gdalmdiminfo Interface to GDAL's gdalmdiminfo utility
gdalmdimtranslate Interface to GDAL's gdalmdimtranslate utility
gdalUtilities Wrappers for 'GDAL' Utilities Executables
gdalUtilities-defunct Defunct function(s) in the gdalUtilities package
gdalwarp Interface to GDAL's gdalwarp utility
gdal_grid Interface to GDAL's gdal_grid utility
gdal_rasterize Interface to GDAL's gdal_rasterize utility
gdal_translate Interface to GDAL's gdal_translate utility
gRasterize Defunct function(s) in the gdalUtilities package
nearblack Interface to GDAL's nearblack utility
ogr2ogr Interface to GDAL's ogr2ogr utility