Data for "R Graphics Cookbook"

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gcookbook-package gcookbook: Data sets for "R Graphics Cookbook"
aapl Apple stock data
anthoming Homing in desert ants
cabbage_exp Summary of cabbages data set
climate Global climate temperature anomaly data from 1800 to 2011
corneas Corneal thickness of eyes
countries Health and economic data about countries around the world from 1960-2010
drunk Convictions for drunkenness
gcookbook gcookbook: Data sets for "R Graphics Cookbook"
heightweight Height and weight of schoolchildren
isabel Data from simulation of hurricane Isabel
madmen Successful sexual relations in Mad Men (TV show)
madmen2 Attempted sexual relations in Mad Men (TV show)
marathon Marathon and half-marathon times
package-gcookbook gcookbook: Data sets for "R Graphics Cookbook"
pg_mean Means of results from an experiment on plant growth
plum Plum root cuttings (long format)
plum_wide Plum root cuttings (wide format)
simpledat Simple example data set
simpledat_long Simple example data set (long format)
tg Summarized ToothGrowth data
tophitters2001 Batting averages of the top hitters in Major League Baseball in 2001
uspopage Age distribution of population in the United States, 1900-2002
uspopchange Change in population of states in the U.S. between 2000 and 2010
wind Wind speed and direction
worldpop World population estimates from 10,000 B.C. to 2,000 A.D.