author_cloud |
Make Wordcloud of authors from Papers |
author_frequency |
Make Wordcloud of authors from Papers |
gcite |
Google Citations Information |
gcite_author_info |
Getting User Information from name |
gcite_base_url |
Google Citations URL |
gcite_citation_index |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_index.character |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_index.xml_document |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_index.xml_node |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_page |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_page.character |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_page.default |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_page.list |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_page.xml_document |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_citation_page.xml_nodeset |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_cite_over_time |
Parse Google Citations Over Time |
gcite_cite_over_time.character |
Parse Google Citations Over Time |
gcite_cite_over_time.default |
Parse Google Citations Over Time |
gcite_cite_over_time.xml_document |
Parse Google Citations Over Time |
gcite_cite_over_time.xml_node |
Parse Google Citations Over Time |
gcite_graph |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_graph.character |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_graph.default |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_graph.xml_document |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_graph.xml_node |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_main_graph |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_main_graph.character |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_main_graph.default |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_main_graph.xml_document |
Parse Google Citation Graph |
gcite_papers |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_papers.character |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_papers.default |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_papers.xml_document |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_papers.xml_nodeset |
Parse Google Citation Index |
gcite_paper_df |
Get Paper Data Frame from Title URLs |
gcite_stopwords |
Google Cite Stopwords |
gcite_url |
Google Citations URL |
gcite_username |
Google Citation Username Searcher |
gcite_user_info |
Getting User Information of papers |
gcite_user_url |
Google Citations URL |
gcite_wordcloud |
Wordcloud of Google Citations Information |
gcite_wordcloud_spec |
gcite Wordcloud default |
is_cran |
Check if on Travis CI |
is_travis |
Check if on Travis CI |
paper_cloud |
Make Wordcloud of Titles from Papers |
set_cookies_txt |
Set Cookies from Text file |
title_cloud |
Make Wordcloud of Titles from Papers |
title_word_frequency |
Make Wordcloud of Titles from Papers |