The (Adaptive) LASSO and Elastic Net Penalized Least Squares, Logistic Regression, Hybrid Huberized Support Vector Machines, Squared Hinge Loss Support Vector Machines and Expectile Regression using a Fast Generalized Coordinate Descent Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘gcdnet’ version 1.0.6

Help Pages

coef Extract Model Coefficients Get coefficients or make coefficient predictions from a "cv.gcdnet" object.
coef.erpath Get coefficients or make coefficient predictions from a "gcdnet" object.
coef.gcdnet Get coefficients or make coefficient predictions from a "gcdnet" object.
coef.hsvmpath Get coefficients or make coefficient predictions from a "gcdnet" object.
coef.logitpath Get coefficients or make coefficient predictions from a "gcdnet" object.
coef.lspath Get coefficients or make coefficient predictions from a "gcdnet" object.
coef.sqsvmpath Get coefficients or make coefficient predictions from a "gcdnet" object.
cv.erpath Cross-validation for gcdnet
cv.gcdnet Cross-validation for gcdnet
cv.hsvmpath Cross-validation for gcdnet
cv.logitpath Cross-validation for gcdnet
cv.lspath Cross-validation for gcdnet
cv.sqsvmpath Cross-validation for gcdnet
FHT FHT data introduced in Friedman et al. (2010).
gcdnet Fits the regularization paths for large margin classifiers Plot the cross-validation curve produced by cv.gcdnet
plot.gcdnet Plot coefficients from a "gcdnet" object
predict Model predictions Make predictions from a "cv.gcdnet" object.
predict.erpath Make predictions from a "gcdnet" object
predict.gcdnet Make predictions from a "gcdnet" object
predict.hsvmpath Make predictions from a "gcdnet" object
predict.logitpath Make predictions from a "gcdnet" object
predict.lspath Make predictions from a "gcdnet" object
predict.sqsvmpath Make predictions from a "gcdnet" object
print.gcdnet Print a gcdnet object