gbp3d_solver_dpp {gbp}R Documentation



solve gbp3d via extreme point heuristic and best information score fit strategy.


gbp3d_solver_dpp(p, ldh, m)



p profit of it fit into bn <vector> - cluster max(l, d) and min(l, d) via gbp3d_solver_dpp_prep_create_p()


it position and scale <matrix> - l, d, h it scale along x, y, z, subject to orientation rotation <numeric>


bn scale <vector> - l, d, h bn scale along x, y, z <numeric>


gbp3d init a profit vector p, a length vector l, a depth vector d, a height vector h, and also a length constraint ml, a depth constraint md, and a height constraint mh on l x d x h cuboid with geometry intepretation.

gbp3d solver would solve

maximize sum_j=1^n p_j k_j

subject to fit (l_j, d_j, h_j) at coordinate (x_j, y_j, z_j) such that no overlap in ml x md x mh cuboid, j = 1, ......, n

and instantiate a gbp3d object with a x-axis coordinate vector x, a y-axis coordinate vector y, a z-axis coordinate vector z, a selection vector k, and an objective o.


gbp3d a gbp3d instantiate with p profit, it item (x, y, z, l, d, h) position scale matrix, bn bin (l, d, h) scale vector, k selection, o objective, and ok an indicator of all fit or not.

See Also

Other gbp3d: gbp3d_checkr, gbp3d

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