gbp1d_solver_dpp {gbp} | R Documentation |
solve gbp1d via dynamic programming simple - adagio::knapsnak()
gbp1d_solver_dpp(p, w, c)
p |
p profit <vector>::<numeric> |
w |
w weight <vector>::<integer> |
c |
c constraint on weight <integer> |
a dynamic programming solver on gbp1d instantiate - knapsack 0-1 problem, see gbp1d.
gbp1d init a profit vector p, a weight vector w, and a weight constraint c, gbp1d solver would solve
maximize sum_j=1^n p_j x_j
subject to sum_j=1^n w_j x_j leq c x_j in 0, 1, j = 1, ...., n
and instantiate a gbp1d object with a selectin vector x and an objective z.
gbp1d is implemented as rcpp class, an instantiate can be solved by calling gbp1d_solver_dpp(p, w, c) and gbp1d_solver_min(p, w, c)
gbp1d a gbp1d instantiate with p profit, w weight, c constraint on weight, k selection, o objective, and ok an indicator of all fit or not.
See Also
Other gbp1d: gbp1d