gbmt {gbmt}R Documentation

Estimation of a group-based multivariate trajectory model


Estimation of a group-based multivariate trajectory model through the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Missing values are allowed and the panel may be unbalanced.


gbmt(x.names, unit, time, ng=1, d=2, data, scaling=2, pruning=TRUE, nstart=NULL,
  tol=1e-4, maxit=1000, quiet=FALSE)



Character vector including the names of the indicators.


Character indicating the name of the variable identifying the units.


Character indicating the name of the variable identifying the time points.


Positive integer value indicating the number of groups to create. Default is 1.


Positive integer value indicating the polynomial degree of group trajectories. Default is 2.


Object of class data.frame containing the variables indicated in arguments x.names, unit and time. The variable indicated in argument unit must be of type 'character' or 'factor' and cannot contain missing values. The variable indicated in argument time must be of type 'numeric' or 'Date' and cannot contain missing values. Variables indicated in argument x.names must be of type 'numeric' and may contain missing values. Variables indicated in argument x.names which are completely missing or not present in data will be ignored. The time points may differ across units (unbalanced panel) but they must be unique within units.


Normalisation method, that should be indicated as: 0 (no normalisation), 1 (centering), 2 (standardization), 3 (ratio to the mean) and 4 (logarithmic ratio to the mean). Default is 2 (standardization). See 'Details'.


Logical value indicating whether non-significant polynomial terms should be dropped. Default is TRUE. See 'Details'.


Positive integer value indicating the number of random restarts of the EM algorithm. If NULL (the default), the EM algorithm is started from the solution of a hierarchical cluster with Ward's linkage.


Positive value indicating the tolerance of the EM algorithm. Default is 1e-4.


Positive integer value indicating the maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm. Default is 1000.


Logical value indicating whether prompt messages should be suppressed. Default is FALSE.


Let Y1,,Yk,,YKY_1,\ldots,Y_k,\ldots,Y_K be the considered indicators and \mboxyi,t=(yi,t,1,,yi,t,k,,yi,t,K)\mbox{y}_{i,t}=(y_{i,t,1},\ldots,y_{i,t,k},\ldots,y_{i,t,K})' denote their observation on unit ii (i=1,,ni=1,\ldots,n) at time tt (t=1,,Tt=1,\ldots,T). Also, let yˉi,k\bar{y}_{i,k} and si,ks_{i,k} be, respectively, sample mean and sample standard deviation of indicator YkY_k for unit ii across the whole period of observation. Each indicator is normalized within units according to one among the following normalisation methods:

0) no normalisation:


1) centering:


2) standardization:


3) ratio to the mean:


4) logarithmic ratio to the mean:


Normalisation is required if the trajectories have different levels across units. When indicators have different scales of measurement, standardization is needed to compare the measurements of different indicators. Ratio to the mean and logaritmic ratio to the mean allow comparisons among different indicators as well, but they can be applied only in case of strictly positive measurements.

Denote the hypothesized groups as j=1,,Jj=1,\ldots,J and let GiG_i be a latent variable taking value jj if unit ii belongs to group jj. A group-based multivariate trajectory model with polynomial degree dd is defined as:

\mboxyi,tGi=j\mboxMVN(μj,Σj)j=1,,J\mbox{y}^*_{i,t}\mid G_i=j\sim\mbox{MVN}\left(\mu_j,\Sigma_j\right)\hspace{.9cm}j=1,\ldots,J


where \mboxBj\mbox{B}_j is the (d+1)×K(d+1)\times K matrix of regression coefficients in group jj, and Σj\Sigma_j is the K×KK \times K covariance matrix of the indicators in group jj. The likelihood of the model is:

L(\mboxB1,,\mboxBJ,Σ1,,ΣJ,π1,,πJ)=i=1n[j=1Jπjt=1Tϕ(\mboxyi,t\mboxBj,Σj)]\mathcal{L}(\mbox{B}_1,\ldots,\mbox{B}_J,\Sigma_1,\ldots,\Sigma_J,\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_J)=\prod_{i=1}^n\left[\sum_{j=1}^J\pi_j \prod_{t=1}^T\phi(\mbox{y}^*_{i,t}\mid \mbox{B}_j,\Sigma_j)\right]

where ϕ(\mboxyi,t\mboxBj,Σj)\phi(\mbox{y}^*_{i,t}\mid \mbox{B}_j,\Sigma_j) is the multivariate Normal density of \mboxyi,t\mbox{y}^*_{i,t} in group jj, and πj\pi_j is the prior probability of group jj. The posterior probability of group jj for unit ii is computed as:

\mboxPr(Gi=j\mboxyi)πi,j=π^jt=1Tϕ(\mboxyi,t\mboxB^j,Σ^j)j=1Jπ^jt=1Tϕ(\mboxyi,t\mboxB^j,Σ^j)\mbox{Pr}(G_i=j\mid \mbox{y}^*_i)\equiv\pi_{i,j}=\frac{\widehat{\pi}_j \prod_{t=1}^{T}\phi(\mbox{y}^*_{i,t}\mid \widehat{\mbox{B}}_j,\widehat{\Sigma}_j)}{\sum_{j=1}^J\widehat{\pi}_j \prod_{t=1}^{T}\phi(\mbox{y}^*_{i,t}\mid \widehat{\mbox{B}}_j,\widehat{\Sigma}_j)}

where the hat symbol above a parameter denotes the estimated value for that parameter. See the vignette of the package and Magrini (2022) for details on maximum likelihood estimation through the EM algorithm.

S3 methods available for class gbmt include:


An object of class gbmt, including the following components:


A. Magrini (2022). Assessment of agricultural sustainability in European Union countries: A group-based multivariate trajectory approach. Advances in Statistical Analysis, published online: March 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10182-022-00437-9

See Also

plot.gbmt; predict.gbmt.



# names of indicators (just a subset for illustration)
varNames <- c("TFP_2005", "NetCapital_GVA",
  "Income_rur", "Unempl_rur", "GHG_UAA", "GNB_N_UAA")

# model with 2 degrees and 3 groups using the imputed dataset
# - log ratio to the mean is used as normalisation (scaling=4), thus values
#   represent relative changes with respect to country averages (see Magrini, 2022)
# - by default, standardization (scaling=2) is used.
m3_2 <- gbmt(x.names=varNames, unit="Country", time="Year", d=2, ng=3, data=agrisus2, scaling=4)

## NOT RUN: same model with multiple random restarts
#m3_2r <- gbmt(x.names=varNames, unit="Country", time="Year", d=2, ng=3, data=agrisus2,
#  scaling=4, nstart=10)

# resulting groups

# estimated group trajectories

# summary of regressions by group

# fit a model with 4 groups
m4_2 <- gbmt(x.names=varNames, unit="Country", time="Year", d=2, ng=4, data=agrisus2,
rbind(m3_2$ic, m4_2$ic)  ## comparison

[Package gbmt version 0.1.3 Index]