Juveniles {gbm.auto} | R Documentation |
Data: Explanatory and response variables for 4 juvenile rays in the Irish Sea
A dataset containing explanatory variables for environment, fishery and predators of juvenile rays in the Irish Sea, and the response variables, abundance CPUEs of cuckoo, thornback, blonde and spotted rays.
A data frame with 2136 rows and 46 variables:
- Survey_StNo_HaulNo_Year
Index column of combined Survey number, station number, haul number, and year
- Latitude
Decimal latitudes in the Irish Sea
- Longitude
Decimal longitudes in the Irish Sea
- Depth
Metres, decimal
- Temperature
Degrees, decimal
- Salinity
- Current_Speed
Metres per second at the seabed
- Distance_to_Shore
Metres, decimal
Commercial fishery LPUE in Kg/Hr
- Scallop
Average KwH Scallop effort from logbooks, Marine Institute and MMO combined
- MI_Av_E_Hr
Average effort hours, Marine Institute Scallop VMS, 0.03 x 0.02 rectangles, all Irish Sea, 2006-14
Average scallop CPUE, Marine Institute Scallop VMS, 0.03 x 0.02 rectangles, all Irish Sea, 2006-14
- MI_Sum_Liv
Sum of live weight. Average scallop CPUE, Marine Institute Scallop VMS, 0.03 x 0.02 rectangles, all Irish Sea, 2006-14
- Whelk
MMO Whelk LPUE 2009-12, pivot, polygons to points
- MmoAvScKwh
MMO Scallop Effort 2009-12, pivot, polygons to points. ICES rectangles
- Cod_C
ICES IBTS CPUE of cod caught between 1994 - 2014 large enough to predate upon <= year 1 cuckoo rays
- Cod_T
As Cod_C for yr1 thornback rays
- Cod_B
As Cod_C for yr1 blonde rays
- Cod_S
As Cod_C for yr1 spotted rays
- Haddock_C
As Cod_C, haddock predating upon cuckoo rays
- Haddock_T
As Cod_C, haddock predating upon thornback rays
- Haddock_B
As Cod_C, haddock predating upon blonde rays
- Haddock_S
As Cod_C, haddock predating upon spotted rays
- Plaice_C
As Cod_C, plaice predating upon cuckoo rays
- Plaice_T
As Cod_C, plaice predating upon thornback rays
- Plaice_B
As Cod_C, plaice predating upon blonde rays
- Plaice_S
As Cod_C, plaice predating upon spotted rays
- Whiting_C
As Cod_C, whiting predating upon cuckoo rays
- Whiting_T
As Cod_C, whiting predating upon thornback rays
- Whiting_B
As Cod_C, whiting predating upon blonde rays
- Whiting_S
As Cod_C, whiting predating upon spotted rays
- ComSkt_C
As Cod_C, common skate predating upon cuckoo rays
- ComSkt_T
As Cod_C, common skate predating upon thornback rays
- ComSkt_B
As Cod_C, common skate predating upon blonde rays
- ComSkt_S
As Cod_C, common skate predating upon spotted rays
- Blonde_C
As Cod_C, blonde ray predating upon cuckoo rays
- Blonde_T
As Cod_C, blonde ray predating upon thornback rays
- Blonde_S
As Cod_C, blonde ray predating upon spotted rays
- C_Preds
All predator CPUEs combined for cuckoo rays
- T_Preds
All predator CPUEs combined for thornback rays
- B_Preds
All predator CPUEs combined for blonde rays
- S_Preds
All predator CPUEs combined for spotted rays
- Cuckoo
Numbers of juvenile cuckoo rays caught, standardised to 1 hour
- Thornback
Numbers of juvenile thornback rays caught, standardised to 1 hour
- Blonde
Numbers of juvenile blonde rays caught, standardised to 1 hour
- Spotted
Numbers of juvenile spotted rays caught, standardised to 1 hour
Simon Dedman, simondedman@gmail.com