Interface with Live Bikeshare Data

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Documentation for package ‘gbfs’ version 1.3.9

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gbfs-package Package: gbfs
gbfs Package: gbfs
get_free_bike_status Grab the free_bike_status feed.
get_gbfs Grab bikeshare data
get_gbfs_cities Get table of all cities releasing GBFS feeds
get_station_information Grab the station_information feed.
get_station_status Grab the station_status feed.
get_system_alerts Grab the system_alerts feed.
get_system_calendar Grab the system_calendar feed.
get_system_hours Grab the system_hours feed.
get_system_information Grab the system_information feed.
get_system_pricing_plans Grab the system_pricing_plans feed.
get_system_regions Grab the system_regions feed.
get_which_gbfs_feeds Get dataframe of bikeshare feeds released by a city