lv_interaction {gauseR} | R Documentation |
Lotka-Volterra Interactions
Calculates dn/dt for n species in a Lokta-Volterra system, following the form: dni/dt = ni * (ri + aii * ni + sum_j(aij * nj)) Note that aii coefficients can be positive or negative, although positive coefficients risk having the system run to infinite population sizes, which will crash the function.
lv_interaction(time, n, parms)
time |
The time steps corresponding to each observation - exists to interface with ode function, but should be left blank. |
n |
A vector of species abundances |
parms |
A vector of parameters - the first n elements should be the growth rates r1, r2, ... rn for all n species. The remaining terms should be the elements of the interaction matrix A, listed in the order a11, a12, ... a1n, a21, a22, ... a2n, ... an1, an2, ... ann. |
vector of growth rates for each species
# load data from competition experiment
# subset data to include just mixtures
# get time-lagged observations for each species
Pc_lagged<-get_lag(x = mixturedata$Volume_Species1, time = mixturedata$Day)
Pa_lagged<-get_lag(x = mixturedata$Volume_Species2, time = mixturedata$Day)
# calculate per-capita growth rates
Pc_dNNdt<-percap_growth(x = Pc_lagged$x, laggedx = Pc_lagged$laggedx, dt = Pc_lagged$dt)
Pa_dNNdt<-percap_growth(x = Pa_lagged$x, laggedx = Pa_lagged$laggedx, dt = Pa_lagged$dt)
# fit linear models to dNNdt, based on average
# abundances between current and lagged time steps
Pc_mod_dat<-data.frame(Pc_dNNdt=Pc_dNNdt, Pc=Pc_lagged$laggedx, Pa=Pa_lagged$laggedx)
mod_comp_Pc<-lm(Pc_dNNdt~Pc+Pa, data=Pc_mod_dat)
Pa_mod_dat<-data.frame(Pa_dNNdt=Pa_dNNdt, Pa=Pa_lagged$laggedx, Pc=Pc_lagged$laggedx)
mod_comp_Pa<-lm(Pa_dNNdt~Pa+Pc, data=Pa_mod_dat)
# model summaries
# extract parameters
# note - linear regressions give us dynamics in the form:
# dni/nidt ~ (Intercept) + (n1_slope) * n1 + (n2_slope) n2
# and thus:
# dni/dt = n1*((Intercept) + (n1_slope) * n1 + (n2_slope) n2)
# growth rates
r1 <- unname(coef(mod_comp_Pc)["(Intercept)"])
r2 <- unname(coef(mod_comp_Pa)["(Intercept)"])
# self-limitation
a11 <- unname(coef(mod_comp_Pc)["Pc"])
a22 <- unname(coef(mod_comp_Pa)["Pa"])
# effect of Pa on Pc
a12 <- unname(coef(mod_comp_Pc)["Pa"])
# effect of Pc on Pa
a21 <- unname(coef(mod_comp_Pa)["Pc"])
# run ODE:
# make paramter vector:
parms <- c(r1, r2, a11, a12, a21, a22)
initialN <- c(1, 1)
out <- deSolve::ode(y=initialN, times=1:25, func=lv_interaction, parms=parms)
matplot(out[,1], out[,-1], type="l",
xlab="time", ylab="N", col=c("black","red"), lty=c(1,3), lwd=2, ylim=c(0, 150))
legend("topleft", c("Pc", "Pa"), col=c(1,2), lwd=2, lty=c(1,3))
# now, plot in points from data
points(mixturedata$Day, mixturedata$Volume_Species1, col=1)
points(mixturedata$Day, mixturedata$Volume_Species2, col=2)
[Package gauseR version 1.2 Index]