gause_1934_science_f01 {gauseR} | R Documentation |
Didinium/Paramecium predator/prey experiment
A dataset containing the abundances of Paramecium caudatum and Didinium nasutum grown in mixture. Note, is for the same experiment as gause_1934_book_f32, except that data were digitized separately, and therefore have small variations. These might be useful for estimating observation error in the data digitization process.
A data frame with 17 rows and 3 variables:
- Paper
Paper from which data are drawn
- Figure
Figure number in paper
- Day
Day of experiment
- Prey
Name of Prey Species
- Individuals_Prey
Number of Prey Individuals
- Predator
Name of Predator Species
- Individuals_Predator
Number of Predator Individuals
- Immigration
Is immigration occurring in this time-step? (yes or no)
Gause (1934) Experimental Analysis of Vito Volterra's Mathematical Theory of the Struggle for Existence. Science 79:16-17.
[Package gauseR version 1.2 Index]