gastemptfunc {gastempt}R Documentation

Functions for gastric emptying analysis


The linexp and the power exponential (powexp) functions can be used to fit gastric emptying curves.


linexp(t, v0 = 1, tempt = NULL, kappa = NULL, pars = NULL)

linexp_slope(t, v0 = 1, tempt = NULL, kappa = NULL, pars = NULL)

linexp_auc(v0 = 1, tempt = NULL, kappa = NULL, pars = NULL)

powexp(t, v0 = 1, tempt = NULL, beta = NULL, pars = NULL)

powexp_slope(t, v0 = 1, tempt = NULL, beta = NULL, pars = NULL)

linexp_log(t, v0 = 1, logtempt = NULL, logkappa = NULL, pars = NULL)

powexp_log(t, v0 = 1, logtempt = NULL, logbeta = NULL, pars = NULL)



Time after meal or start of scan, in minutes; can be a vector.


Initial volume at t=0.


Emptying time constant in minutes (scalar).


Overshoot term for linexp function (scalar).


Default NULL. If not NULL, the other parameters with exception of t are not used and are retrieved as named parameters from the numeric vector pars instead.


Power term for power exponential function (scalar).


Logarithm of emptying time constant in minutes (scalar).


Logarithm of overshoot term for linexp function (scalar).


Logarithm of power term for power exponential function (scalar).


The linexp function can have an initial overshoot to model secretion.

vol(t) = v0 * (1 + kappa * t / tempt) * exp(-t / tempt)

The powexp function introduced by Elashof et al. is montonously decreasing but has more freedom to model details in the function tail.

vol(t) = v0 * exp(-(t / tempt) ^ beta)

The _slope functions return the first derivatives of linexp and powexp. Use the _log functions to enforce positive parameters tempt and beta. Rarely required for gastric emptying curves.


Vector of length(t) for computed volume.


t = seq(0,100, by=5)
kappa = 1.3
tempt = 60
v0 = 400
beta = 3
pars = c(v0 = v0, tempt = tempt, kappa = kappa)
oldpar = par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(t, linexp(t, v0, tempt, kappa), type = "l", ylab = "volume",
   main = "linexp\nkappa = 1.3 and 1.0")
lines(t, linexp(t, v0, tempt, 1), type = "l", col = "green")
# This should give the same plot as above
plot(t, linexp(t, pars = pars), type = "l", ylab = "volume",
   main = "linexp\nkappa = 1.3 and 1.0\nwith vectored parameters")
lines(t, linexp(t, v0, tempt, 1), type = "l", col = "green")
plot(t, powexp(t, v0, tempt, beta), type = "l", ylab = "volume",
  main = "powexp\nbeta = 2 and 1")
lines(t, powexp(t, v0, tempt, 1), type = "l", col = "green")

[Package gastempt version 0.5.5 Index]