gas {gasmodel} | R Documentation |
Estimate GAS Model
A versatile function for estimation of generalized autoregressive score (GAS) models of Creal et al. (2013) and Harvey (2013). Model specification allows for various conditional distributions, different parametrizations, exogenous variables, higher score and autoregressive orders, custom and unconditional initial values of time-varying parameters, fixed and bounded values of coefficients, and NA values. Model estimation is performed by the maximum likelihood method and the Hessian matrix. The function can be supplied with any optimization and Hessian functions.
gas(y, x = NULL, distr, param = NULL, scaling = "unit",
regress = "joint", p = 1L, q = 1L, par_static = NULL,
par_link = NULL, par_init = NULL, lik_skip = 0L,
coef_fix_value = NULL, coef_fix_other = NULL, coef_fix_special = NULL,
coef_bound_lower = NULL, coef_bound_upper = NULL, coef_start = NULL,
optim_function = wrapper_optim_nloptr, optim_arguments = list(opts =
list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_NELDERMEAD", xtol_rel = 0, maxeval = 1e+06)),
hessian_function = wrapper_hessian_stats, hessian_arguments = list(),
print_progress = FALSE)
y |
A time series. For univariate time series, a numeric vector or a matrix with a single column. For multivariate times series, a numeric matrix with observations in rows. |
x |
Optional exogenous variables. For a single variable common for all time-varying parameters, a numeric vector. For multiple variables common for all time-varying parameters, a numeric matrix with observations in rows. For individual variables for each time-varying parameter, a list of numeric vectors or matrices in the above form. The number of observation must be equal to the number of observations of |
distr |
A conditional distribution. See |
param |
A parametrization of the conditional distribution. If |
scaling |
A scaling function for the score. The supported scaling functions are the unit scaling ( |
regress |
A specification of the regression and dynamic equation with regard to exogenous variables. The supported specifications are exogenous variables and dynamics within the same equation ( |
p |
A score order. For order common for all parameters, a numeric vector of length 1. For individual order for each parameter, a numeric vector of length equal to the number of parameters. Defaults to |
q |
An autoregressive order. For order common for all parameters, a numeric vector of length 1. For individual order for each parameter, a numeric vector of length equal to the number of parameters. Defaults to |
par_static |
An optional logical vector indicating static parameters. Overrides |
par_link |
An optional logical vector indicating whether the logarithmic/logistic link should be applied to restricted parameters in order to obtain unrestricted values. Defaults to applying the logarithmic/logistic link for time-varying parameters and keeping the original link for constant parameters. |
par_init |
An optional numeric vector of initial values of time-varying parameters. For |
lik_skip |
A numeric value specifying the number of skipped observations at the beginning of the time series or after |
coef_fix_value |
An optional numeric vector of values to which coefficients are to be fixed. |
coef_fix_other |
An optional square numeric matrix of multiples of the estimated coefficients, which are to be added to the fixed coefficients. This allows the fixed coefficients to be linear combinations of the estimated coefficients. A coefficient given by row is fixed on coefficient given by column. By this logic, all rows corresponding to the estimated coefficients should contain only |
coef_fix_special |
An optional character vector of predefined structures of |
coef_bound_lower |
An optional numeric vector of lower bounds on coefficients. |
coef_bound_upper |
An optional numeric vector of upper bounds on coefficients. |
coef_start |
An optional numeric vector of starting values for the optimization. If not supplied, starting values are selected from a small grid of values. |
optim_function |
An optimization function. For suitable wrappers of common R optimization functions, see |
optim_arguments |
An optional list of arguments to be passed to the optimization function. |
hessian_function |
A Hessian function. For suitable wrappers of common R Hessian functions, see |
hessian_arguments |
An optional list of arguments to be passed to the Hessian function. |
print_progress |
A logical value indicating whether to progressively print a detailed report on computation. |
The generalized autoregressive score (GAS) models of Creal et al. (2013) and Harvey (2013), also known as dynamic conditional score (DCS) models or score-driven (SD) models, have established themselves as a useful modern framework for time series modeling.
The GAS models are observation-driven models allowing for any underlying probability distribution with any time-varying parameters
for time series
They capture the dynamics of time-varying parameters using the autoregressive term and the lagged score, i.e. the gradient of the log-likelihood function.
Exogenous variables can also be included.
Specifically, time-varying parameters
follow the recursion
where is the intercept,
are the regression parameters,
are the score parameters,
are the autoregressive parameters,
are the exogenous variables,
is a scaling function for the score, and
is the score given by
In the case of a single time-varying parameter, ,
, and
are all scalar.
In the case of multiple time-varying parameters,
are scalar,
, and
are vectors,
are diagonal matrices, and
is a square matrix.
Alternatively, a different model can be obtained by defining the recursion in the fashion of regression models with dynamic errors as
The GAS models can be straightforwardly estimated by the maximum likelihood method. For the asymptotic theory regarding the GAS models and maximum likelihood estimation, see Blasques et al. (2014), Blasques et al. (2018), and Blasques et al. (2022).
The use of the score for updating time-varying parameters is optimal in an information theoretic sense. For an investigation of the optimality properties of GAS models, see Blasques et al. (2015) and Blasques et al. (2021).
Generally, the GAS models perform quite well when compared to alternatives, including parameter-driven models. For a comparison of the GAS models to alternative models, see Koopman et al. (2016) and Blazsek and Licht (2020).
The GAS class includes many well-known econometric models, such as the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model of Bollerslev (1986), the autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) model of Engle and Russel (1998), and the Poisson count model of Davis et al. (2003). More recently, a variety of novel score-driven models has been proposed, such as the Beta-t-(E)GARCH model of Harvey and Chakravarty (2008), the discrete price changes model of Koopman et al. (2018), the circular model of Harvey (2019), the bivariate Poisson model of Koopman and Lit (2019), and the ranking model of Holý and Zouhar (2022). For an overview of various GAS models, see Harvey (2022).
The extensive GAS literature is listed on
A list
of S3 class gas
with components:
data$y |
The time series. |
data$x |
The exogenous variables. |
model$distr |
The conditional distribution. |
model$param |
The parametrization of the conditional distribution. |
model$scaling |
The scaling function. |
model$regress |
The specification of the regression and dynamic equation. |
model$t |
The length of the time series. |
model$n |
The dimension of the model. |
model$m |
The number of exogenous variables. |
model$p |
The score order. |
model$q |
The autoregressive order. |
model$par_static |
The static parameters. |
model$par_link |
The parameters with the logarithmic/logistic links. |
model$par_init |
The initial values of the time-varying parameters. |
model$lik_skip |
The number of skipped observations at the beginning of the time series or after |
model$coef_fix_value |
The values to which coefficients are fixed. |
model$coef_fix_other |
The multiples of the estimated coefficients, which are added to the fixed coefficients. |
model$coef_fix_special |
The predefined structures of |
model$coef_bound_lower |
The lower bounds on coefficients. |
model$coef_bound_upper |
The upper bounds on coefficients. |
model$num_obs |
The actual number of observations used in the likelihood. |
model$num_coef |
The actual number of estimated coefficients. |
control$optim_function |
The optimization function. |
control$optim_arguments |
The arguments which are passed to the optimization function. |
control$hessian_function |
The Hessian function. |
control$hessian_arguments |
The arguments which are passed to the Hessian function. |
solution$status_start |
The status of the starting values computation. |
solution$theta_start |
The computed starting values. |
solution$status_optim |
The status of the optimization computation. |
solution$theta_optim |
The computed optimal values. |
solution$status_hessian |
The status of the Hessian computation. |
solution$theta_hessian |
The computed Hessian. |
fit$coef_est |
The estimated coefficients. |
fit$coef_vcov |
The estimated variance-covariance matrix. |
fit$coef_sd |
The estimated standard deviations. |
fit$coef_zstat |
The statistics of the Z-test. |
fit$coef_pval |
The p-values of the Z-test. |
fit$par_unc |
The unconditional values of time-varying parameters. |
fit$par_tv |
The individual values of time-varying parameter. |
fit$score_tv |
The individual scores of time-varying parameters. |
fit$mean_tv |
The expected values given by the model. |
fit$var_tv |
The variances given by the model. |
fit$resid_tv |
The residuals of the model. |
fit$loglik_tv |
The log-likelihoods for the individual observations. |
fit$loglik_sum |
The overall log-likelihood. |
fit$aic |
The Akaike information criterion. |
fit$bic |
The Bayesian information criterion. |
Supported generic functions for S3 class gas
include summary()
, plot()
, coef()
, vcov()
, fitted()
, residuals()
, logLik()
, AIC()
, BIC()
, and confint()
Blasques, F., Gorgi, P., Koopman, S. J., and Wintenberger, O. (2018). Feasible Invertibility Conditions and Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Observation-Driven Models. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 12(1), 1019–1052. doi: 10.1214/18-ejs1416.
Blasques, F., Koopman, S. J., and Lucas, A. (2014). Stationarity and Ergodicity of Univariate Generalized Autoregressive Score Processes. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8(1), 1088–1112. doi: 10.1214/14-ejs924.
Blasques, F., Koopman, S. J., and Lucas, A. (2015). Information-Theoretic Optimality of Observation-Driven Time Series Models for Continuous Responses. Biometrika, 102(2), 325–343. doi: 10.1093/biomet/asu076.
Blasques, F., Lucas, A., and van Vlodrop, A. C. (2021). Finite Sample Optimality of Score-Driven Volatility Models: Some Monte Carlo Evidence. Econometrics and Statistics, 19, 47–57. doi: 10.1016/j.ecosta.2020.03.010.
Blasques, F., van Brummelen, J., Koopman, S. J., and Lucas, A. (2022). Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Score-Driven Models. Journal of Econometrics, 227(2), 325–346. doi: 10.1016/j.jeconom.2021.06.003.
Blazsek, S. and Licht, A. (2020). Dynamic Conditional Score Models: A Review of Their Applications. Applied Economics, 52(11), 1181–1199. doi: 10.1080/00036846.2019.1659498.
Bollerslev, T. (1986). Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity. Journal of Econometrics, 31(3), 307–327. doi: 10.1016/0304-4076(86)90063-1.
Creal, D., Koopman, S. J., and Lucas, A. (2013). Generalized Autoregressive Score Models with Applications. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(5), 777–795. doi: 10.1002/jae.1279.
Davis, R. A., Dunsmuir, W. T. M., and Street, S. B. (2003). Observation-Driven Models for Poisson Counts. Biometrika, 90(4), 777–790. doi: 10.1093/biomet/90.4.777.
Engle, R. F. and Russell, J. R. (1998). Autoregressive Conditional Duration: A New Model for Irregularly Spaced Transaction Data. Econometrica, 66(5), 1127–1162. doi: 10.2307/2999632.
Harvey, A. C. (2013). Dynamic Models for Volatility and Heavy Tails: With Applications to Financial and Economic Time Series. Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/cbo9781139540933.
Harvey, A. C. (2022). Score-Driven Time Series Models. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, 9(1), 321–342. doi: 10.1146/annurev-statistics-040120-021023.
Harvey, A. C. and Chakravarty, T. (2008). Beta-t-(E)GARCH. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, CWPE 0840. doi: 10.17863/cam.5286.
Harvey, A., Hurn, S., and Thiele, S. (2019). Modeling Directional (Circular) Time Series. Cambridge Working Papers in Economics, CWPE 1971. doi: 10.17863/cam.43915.
Holý, V. and Zouhar, J. (2022). Modelling Time-Varying Rankings with Autoregressive and Score-Driven Dynamics. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 71(5). doi: 10.1111/rssc.12584.
Koopman, S. J. and Lit, R. (2019). Forecasting Football Match Results in National League Competitions Using Score-Driven Time Series Models. International Journal of Forecasting, 35(2), 797–809. doi: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2018.10.011.
Koopman, S. J., Lit, R., Lucas, A., and Opschoor, A. (2018). Dynamic Discrete Copula Models for High-Frequency Stock Price Changes. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 33(7), 966–985. doi: 10.1002/jae.2645.
Koopman, S. J., Lucas, A., and Scharth, M. (2016). Predicting Time-Varying Parameters with Parameter-Driven and Observation-Driven Models. Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(1), 97–110. doi: 10.1162/rest_a_00533.
See Also
# Load the Daily Toilet Paper Sales dataset
y <- toilet_paper_sales$quantity
x <- as.matrix(toilet_paper_sales[3:9])
# Estimate GAS model based on the negative binomial distribution
est_negbin <- gas(y = y, x = x, distr = "negbin", regress = "sep")
# Obtain the estimated coefficients
# Obtain the estimated variance-covariance matrix
# Obtain the log-likelihood, AIC, and BIC
# Obtain the confidence intervals of coefficients
# Plot the time-varying parameters