Utilities for Working with Google APIs

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Documentation for package ‘gargle’ version 1.5.2

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AuthState Authorization state
AuthState-class Authorization state
credentials_app_default Load Application Default Credentials
credentials_byo_oauth2 Load a user-provided token
credentials_external_account Get a token for an external account
credentials_gce Get a token from the Google metadata server
credentials_service_account Load a service account token
credentials_user_oauth2 Get an OAuth token for a user
cred_funs Credential function registry
cred_funs_add Credential function registry
cred_funs_clear Credential function registry
cred_funs_list Credential function registry
cred_funs_list_default Credential function registry
cred_funs_set Credential function registry
cred_funs_set_default Credential function registry
field_mask Generate a field mask
gargle2.0_token Generate a gargle token
gargle_error_message Process a Google API response
gargle_oauth_cache Options consulted by gargle
gargle_oauth_client Create an OAuth client for Google
gargle_oauth_client_from_json Create an OAuth client for Google
gargle_oauth_client_type Options consulted by gargle
gargle_oauth_email Options consulted by gargle
gargle_oauth_sitrep OAuth token situation report
gargle_oob_default Options consulted by gargle
gargle_options Options consulted by gargle
gargle_secret Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object
gargle_verbosity Options consulted by gargle
gce_instance_service_accounts List all service accounts available on this GCE instance
init_AuthState Create an AuthState
local_cred_funs Credential function registry
local_gargle_verbosity Options consulted by gargle
request_build Build a Google API request
request_develop Build a Google API request
request_make Make a Google API request
request_retry Make a Google API request, repeatedly
response_as_json Process a Google API response
response_process Process a Google API response
secret_decrypt_json Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object
secret_encrypt_json Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object
secret_has_key Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object
secret_make_key Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object
secret_read_rds Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object
secret_write_rds Encrypt/decrypt JSON or an R object
token-info Get info from a token
token_email Get info from a token
token_fetch Fetch a token for the given scopes
token_tokeninfo Get info from a token
token_userinfo Get info from a token
with_cred_funs Credential function registry
with_gargle_verbosity Options consulted by gargle