peaks_search {gamma}R Documentation

Search Peaks


Search the maxima in sequential data around a given value.


peaks_search(object, index, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'GammaSpectrum,integer'
peaks_search(object, index, span = 10, tolerance = 0.025)

## S4 method for signature 'GammaSpectrum,numeric'
peaks_search(object, index, span = 10, tolerance = 0.025)



A GammaSpectrum object.


A vector giving the expected peak position. If index is a numeric vector, peaks are searched by energy (index is assumed to be expressed in keV). If index is an integer vector, peaks are searched by channel.


Currently not used.


A numeric value giving the half window size for searching. If index is a numeric vector, span is expressed in keV. If index is an integer vector, span is expressed in channel.


A numeric value giving the threshold above which a warning/error is raised.


A PeakPosition object.


N. Frerebeau

See Also

Other signal processing: baseline, peaks_find(), signal_integrate(), signal_slice(), signal_split(), signal_stabilize(), smooth()


## Import a LaBr spectrum
LaBr_file <- system.file("extdata/LaBr.TKA", package = "gamma")
LaBr_spc <- read(LaBr_file)

## Find peaks by channel
(LaBr_pks <- peaks_find(LaBr_spc)) # Ugly
plot(LaBr_spc, LaBr_pks)

## Search peaks by channel
(LaBr_pks <- peaks_search(LaBr_spc, index = c(86L, 207L, 496L), span = 7))
plot(LaBr_spc, LaBr_pks, split = TRUE)

## Import a BEGe spectrum
BEGe_file <- system.file("extdata/BEGe.CNF", package = "gamma")
BEGe_spc <- read(BEGe_file)

## Search peaks by energy
(BEGe_pks <- peaks_search(BEGe_spc, index = c(47, 63, 911, 1460)))
plot(BEGe_spc, BEGe_pks, split = TRUE)

[Package gamma version 1.0.5 Index]