Generalized Mann-Whitney Type Tests

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Documentation for package ‘gMWT’ version 1.4

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gMWT-package Implementations of Generalized Mann-Whitney Type Tests
createGroups Renumbering the Group Labels
estPI Calculate Probabilistic Index
getSigTests Extract Significant Test Results for a Given Alpha or Different Multiple Testing Corrections.
gmw Generalized Mann-Whitney Type Tests
gMWT Implementations of Generalized Mann-Whitney Type Tests
plot-method Plot an estPI Object
plot-method Plot an re Object
plot.estPI Plot an estPI Object Plot an re Object
plotPI Creates Scatterplot Matrices for Probabilistic Indices.
print-method Print an estPI Object
print-method Print an re Object
print.estPI Print an estPI Object Print an re Object
rejectionPlot Creates a Rejection Plot.
summary-method Summarize an re Object Summarize an re Object