Lightweight Graph Based Multiple Comparison Procedures

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Documentation for package ‘gMCPLite’ version 0.1.5

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-- B --

BauerEtAl2001 Functions that create different example graphs
bdiagNA Create a Block Diagonal Matrix with NA outside the diagonal
bonferroni.test Weighted Bonferroni-test
bonferroni.trimmed.simes.test Trimmed Simes test for intersections of two hypotheses and otherwise weighted Bonferroni-test
BonferroniHolm Functions that create different example graphs
BretzEtAl2009a Functions that create different example graphs
BretzEtAl2009b Functions that create different example graphs
BretzEtAl2009c Functions that create different example graphs
BretzEtAl2011 Functions that create different example graphs

-- C --

checkCorrelation Check correlation matrix
cycleGraph Functions that create different example graphs

-- E --

edgeAttr Class graphMCP
edgeAttr-method Class graphMCP
edgeAttr<- Class graphMCP
edgeAttr<--method Class graphMCP
Entangled1Maurer2012 Functions that create different example graphs
Entangled2Maurer2012 Functions that create different example graphs
entangledMCP Class entangledMCP
entangledMCP-class Class entangledMCP
exampleGraphs Functions that create different example graphs

-- F --

fallback Functions that create different example graphs
Ferber2011 Functions that create different example graphs
FerberTimeDose2011 Functions that create different example graphs
fixedSequence Functions that create different example graphs

-- G --

generalSuccessive Functions that create different example graphs
generatePvals generatePvals
generateWeights generateWeights
getMatrices Class entangledMCP
getMatrices-method Class entangledMCP
getMatrix Class graphMCP
getMatrix-method Class graphMCP
getNodes Class graphMCP
getNodes-method Class entangledMCP
getNodes-method Class graphMCP
getRejected Class graphMCP
getRejected-method Class entangledMCP
getRejected-method Class gMCPResult
getRejected-method Class gPADInterim
getRejected-method Class graphMCP
getWeights Class graphMCP
getWeights-method Class entangledMCP
getWeights-method Class gMCPResult
getWeights-method Class gPADInterim
getWeights-method Class graphMCP
getXCoordinates Class graphMCP
getXCoordinates-method Class entangledMCP
getXCoordinates-method Class graphMCP
getYCoordinates Class graphMCP
getYCoordinates-method Class entangledMCP
getYCoordinates-method Class graphMCP
gMCP Graph based Multiple Comparison Procedures
gMCP.extended Graph based Multiple Comparison Procedures
gMCPResult Class gMCPResult
gMCPResult-class Class gMCPResult
gPADInterim Class gPADInterim
gPADInterim-class Class gPADInterim
graph2matrix Matrix2Graph and Graph2Matrix
graphMCP Class graphMCP
graphMCP-class Class graphMCP
graphTest Multiple testing using graphs

-- H --

hGraph Create multiplicity graphs using ggplot2
HommelEtAl2007 Functions that create different example graphs
HommelEtAl2007Simple Functions that create different example graphs
HungEtWang2010 Functions that create different example graphs
HuqueAloshEtBhore2011 Functions that create different example graphs

-- I --

improvedFallbackI Functions that create different example graphs
improvedFallbackII Functions that create different example graphs
improvedParallelGatekeeping Functions that create different example graphs

-- J --

joinGraphs Joins two graphMCP objects

-- M --

matrix2graph Matrix2Graph and Graph2Matrix
MaurerEtAl1995 Functions that create different example graphs

-- N --

nodeAttr Class graphMCP
nodeAttr-method Class graphMCP
nodeAttr<- Class graphMCP
nodeAttr<--method Class graphMCP

-- P --

parallelGatekeeping Functions that create different example graphs
parametric.test Weighted parametric test
permutations Permutation for a design matrix
placeNodes Placement of graph nodes
plot-method Class gMCPResult
plot-method Class gPADInterim
plot-method Class graphMCP
print-method Class entangledMCP
print-method Class gMCPResult
print-method Class gPADInterim
print-method Class graphMCP

-- R --

rejectNode Rejects a node/hypothesis and updates the graph accordingly.
replaceVariables Replaces variables in a general graph with specified numeric values

-- S --

setEdge Class graphMCP
setEdge-method Class graphMCP
setRejected<- Class graphMCP
setRejected<--method Class graphMCP
setWeights Class graphMCP
setWeights-method Class graphMCP
simConfint Simultaneous confidence intervals for sequentially rejective multiple test procedures
simConfint-method Simultaneous confidence intervals for sequentially rejective multiple test procedures
simes.on.subsets.test Simes on subsets, otherwise Bonferroni
simes.test Weighted Simes test
simpleSuccessiveI Functions that create different example graphs
simpleSuccessiveII Functions that create different example graphs
subgraph Get a subgraph
substituteEps Substitute Epsilon

-- T --

truncatedHolm Functions that create different example graphs

-- W --

WangTing2014 Functions that create different example graphs
weighted.test.functions Weighted Test Functions for use with gMCP