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Arguments passed on to progressr::with_progress
cleanup If TRUE, all progression handlers will be shutdown
at the end regardless of the progression is complete or not.
delay_terminal If TRUE, output and conditions that may end up in
the terminal will delayed.
delay_stdout If TRUE, standard output is captured and relayed
at the end just before any captured conditions are relayed.
delay_conditions A character vector specifying base::condition
classes to be captured and relayed at the end after any captured
standard output is relayed.
interrupts Controls whether interrupts should be detected or not.
If TRUE and a interrupt is signaled, progress handlers are asked to
report on the current amount progress when the evaluation was terminated
by the interrupt, e.g. when a user pressed Ctrl-C in an interactive session,
or a batch process was interrupted because it ran out of time.
Note that it's optional for a progress handler to support this and only
some do.
interval (numeric) The minimum time (in seconds) between
successive progression updates from handlers.
enable (logical) If FALSE, then progress is not reported. The
default is to report progress in interactive mode but not batch mode.
See below for more details.