fwsim {fwsim}R Documentation

Fisher-Wright Population Simulation


This package provides tools to simulate a population under the Fisher-Wright model with a stepwise neutral mutation process on rr loci, where mutations on loci happen independently. The population sizes are either fixed (traditional/original Fisher-Wright model) or random Poisson distributed with exponential growth supported. Intermediate generations can be saved in order to study e.g. drift.

For stochastic population sizes: Model described in detail at http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.1773. Let MM be the population size at generation ii and NN the population size at generation i+1i + 1. Then we assume that NN conditionally on MM is \mboxPoisson(αM)\mbox{Poisson}(\alpha M) distributed for α>0\alpha > 0 (α>1\alpha > 1 gives expected growth and 0<α<10 < \alpha < 1 gives expected decrease).

For each haplotype xx occuring mm times in the ii'th generation, the number of children nn is \mboxPoisson(αm)\mbox{Poisson}(\alpha m) distributed independently of other haplotypes. It then follows that the sum of the number of haplotypes follows a \mboxPoisson(αM)\mbox{Poisson}(\alpha M) distribution (as just stated in the previous paragraph) and that nn conditionally on NN follows a \mboxBinomial(N,m/M)\mbox{Binomial}(N, m/M) as expected.

The mutation model can be e.g. the stepwise neutral mutation model. See init_mutmodel for details.


fwsim(G, H0, N0, mutmodel, alpha = 1.0, SNP = FALSE, 
  save_generations = NULL, progress = TRUE, trace = FALSE, ensure_children = FALSE, ...)
fwsim_fixed(G, H0, N0, mutmodel, SNP = FALSE, 
  save_generations = NULL, progress = TRUE, trace = FALSE, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fwsim'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fwsim'
summary(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'fwsim'
plot(x, which = 1L, ...)



number of generations to evolve (integer, remember postfix L).


haplotypes of the initial population. Must be a vector or matrix (if more than one initial haplotype). The number of loci is the length or number of columns of H0.


count of the H0 haplotypes. The i'th element is the count of the haplotype H0[i, ]. sum(N0) is the size of initial population.


a mutmodel object created with init_mutmodel. Alternatively, a numeric vector of length r of mutation probabilities (this will create a stepwise mutation model with r loci divide the mutation probabilities evenly between upwards and downwards mutation).


vector of length 1 or G of growth factors (1 correspond to expected constant population size). If length 1, the value is reused in creating a vector of length G.


to make alleles modulus 2 to immitate SNPs.


to save intermediate populations. NULL means that no intermediate population will be saved. Else, a vector of the generation numbers to save.


whether to print progress of the evolution.


whether to print trace of the evolution (more verbose than progress).


Ensures that every generation has at least one child; implemented by getting \mboxPoisson(αM)+1\mbox{Poisson}(\alpha M) + 1 children.


A fwsim object.


A fwsim object.


A number specifying the plot (currently only 1: the actual population sizes vs the expected sizes).


not used.


A fwsim object with elements


the parameters used for the simulation


a list of haplotypes in the intermediate populations


haplotypes in the end population after G generations


the population size for each generation


the expected population size for each generation


Mikkel Meyer Andersen <mikl@math.aau.dk> and Poul Svante Eriksen


# SMM (stepwise mutation model) example
fit <- fwsim(G = 100L, H0 = c(0L, 0L, 0L), N0 = 10000L, 
  mutmodel = c(Loc1 = 0.001, Loc2 = 0.002, Loc3 = 0.003))

# SMM (stepwise mutation model) example
H0 <- matrix(c(0L, 0L, 0L), 1L, 3L, byrow = TRUE)

mutmodel <- init_mutmodel(modeltype = 1L, 
  mutpars = matrix(c(c(0.003, 0.001), rep(0.004, 2), rep(0.001, 2)), 
                   ncol = 3, 
                   dimnames = list(NULL, c("DYS19", "DYS389I", "DYS391"))))

fit <- fwsim(G = 100L, H0 = H0, N0 = 10000L, mutmodel = mutmodel)

xtabs(N ~ DYS19 + DYS389I, fit$population)
plot(1L:fit$pars$G, fit$pop_sizes, type = "l", 
  ylim = range(range(fit$pop_sizes), range(fit$expected_pop_sizes)))
points(1L:fit$pars$G, fit$expected_pop_sizes, type = "l", col = "red")

fit_fixed <- fwsim_fixed(G = 100L, H0 = H0, N0 = 10000L, mutmodel = mutmodel)

# LMM (logistic mutation model) example
mutpars.locus1 <- c(0.149,   2.08,    18.3,   0.149,   0.374,   27.4) # DYS19
mutpars.locus2 <- c(0.500,   1.18,    18.0,   0.500,   0.0183,  349)  # DYS389I
mutpars.locus3 <- c(0.0163,  17.7,    11.1,   0.0163,  0.592,   14.1) # DYS391
mutpars <- matrix(c(mutpars.locus1, mutpars.locus2, mutpars.locus3), ncol = 3)
colnames(mutpars) <- c("DYS19", "DYS389I", "DYS391")
mutmodel <- init_mutmodel(modeltype = 2L, mutpars = mutpars)

H0_LMM <- matrix(c(15L, 13L, 10L), 1L, 3L, byrow = TRUE)
fit_LMM <- fwsim(G = 100L, H0 = H0_LMM, N0 = 10000L, mutmodel = mutmodel)
xtabs(N ~ DYS19 + DYS389I, fit_LMM$population)

[Package fwsim version 0.3.4 Index]